[Pkg-db-devel] Bug#256332: clarification of doc licensing for db3/db4.2

MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop
Fri Apr 7 09:37:40 UTC 2006

dann frazier <dannf at dannf.org>
> Though it maybe feasible to drop older db versions from the next
> release (I do not know if such plans exist), I believe we would still
> need to resolve this in an update to the current stable release
> (sarge).

Aren't documentation bugs sarge-ignore? I'm not sure how this
would meet something like http://people.debian.org/~joey/3.1r2/
and so be included in a stable update.

> Thank you for your offer.  I think a relicensing would be the cleanest
> approach.
> Note that I am a Debian Developer, but I do not speak for the db
> packaging, release, or legal teams.  I hope that they'll jump in if
> they are in disagreement with any of the statements I've made here.

Please ask the release team which versions of db will be included
in the next release, if that's helpful information.

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