[Pkg-db-devel] Bug#500990: Bug#500990: libdb-dev: Dependency issues triggered by (full-)upgrade for libdb*-dev

David Ayers ayers at fsfe.org
Sun Oct 5 20:13:16 UTC 2008

Am Samstag, den 04.10.2008, 17:15 +0000 schrieb Clint Adams:
> On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 12:46:24PM +0000, David Ayers wrote:
> > 
> > - rather than accepting the suggestion to upgrade libdb-dev which claims
> > to be for and would not match either libdb4.6 (4.6.21-8) [which
> > is what is currently installed] or libdb4.6 (4.6.21-11) [which is what
> > seems to the next package to migrate to testing]
> > 
> > - I should simply wait until libdb4.7 (4.7.25-4) migrates to testing
> > 
> > Correct?  If so please feel free to close the report (actually could I
> > close it myself?) and I hope this report is helpful for others who were
> > confused like me.
> That all depends on what you want libdb-dev for.  The bears no
> relation to the version of Berkeley DB at the moment; its intent is to
> have you install libdb4.6-dev.  There will not be a libdb-dev meant to
> be BDB 4.7 in testing until after lenny is released, unless the release
> team decides otherwise.
> If you want to restrict yourself to testing, you should upgrade to
> 4.6.21-11.  If you want BDB 4.7, you'll have to go outside of testing.

My goal was to have the libdb-dev module for lenny installed that
corresponds to the installed libdb.  Yet currently there is no libdb
package as such.  In fact I currently seem to have both libdb4.5 and
libdb4.6 installed, each with it's own long list dependencies.

libdb-dev was installed automatically.  Attempting to remove it would
remove: libaprutil1-dev.  Now this is the library that I need to link

Yet if I ask apt-cache for the dependencies of libaprutil1-dev I
actually see libdb4.6-dev (which isn't installed).
/me is totally confused.

So now I go try removing the actual package that brought in these
dependencies: apache2-prefork-dev and reinstall it... and voilà the
dependency issue is resolved.  libdb-dev was removed and libdb4.6-dev is
installed.  Case resolved.

So this seems to be more of an issue within the package management than
in the current dependencies of libdb-dev.

Thank you for your patience.


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