[Pkg-db-devel] The needed due on avew
Investor Clueso LLC
info at 212stocks.com
Fri Oct 15 03:47:07 UTC 2010
Dear fellow investors,
We would like to make mention of our newest & boasted upon stock AVEW
(ActionView International, Inc.) If you follow us on twitter
@investorclueso than you know we have been discussing this AVEW for quite
some time, & at this juncture we are comfortable and confident officially
bringing this solid company to your much needed expedited attention.
Message Boards & S o c i a l Media's around the internet have been
"buzzing" for days and today all the buzz came to fruition. It is our
opinion that you should Do the DUE on AVEW. Friday (10/15/2010) is gonna be
a great day in our opinion & we hope all of you can and will be apart of
There is just 1 day before the below mentioned October 16, 2010 f i g h t,
between Steven Razor Sharp & Super Steven Siler. The f i g h t itself will
i g n i t e an abundant appreciation for the p r i c e per share on AVEW.
We feel that AVEW with it's n e w and cutting edge approach to the MMA i
n d u s t r y, that AVEW is setting up to capture a large portion of the
MMA m a r k e t, which is a 400 m i l l i o n dollar a year industry! AVEW
currently has a s h a r e structure that is far undervalued at this time
and an i n v e s t m e n t in AVEW is primed for e x p l o s i v e long
term g r o w t h.
Get Ready For The Main E V E N T
Let's talk about the f i g h t on October 16, 2010.
~WHAT: Steven RAZOR Sharp Vs. Super Steven Siler
~WHEN: Saturday October 16th, 2010
~WHERE: The R a i l Event Center (235 N West 500 - Salt Lake City, Utah
~Call (888) 310-4620 for Tickets and VIP seats!~
Check Out The Promo Video
AVEW Investor Relations
"Transparency and regular communication with our shareholders is a priority
for ActionView International, and we will continue to e x plore additional
avenues through which this information can be delivered."
-- Actionview International, Inc. Chairman Gary Nerison.
Actionview International, Inc. (Stock Symbol: AVEW), our wholly owned
subsidiary MatchF i g h ts LLC (MatchF i g h ts.com) and our World
Championship Full Contact (WCFC.com) brand is proud to present the very
latest in action sports entertainment --
AVEW Overview
Full contact f i g h t ing brought to you live, over the internet in
streaming high definition format.
WCFC (Ticker: AVEW) is designed to appeal to a large, global audience. They
have made their events faster paced, more intriguing and more fan oriented
by incorporating unique features like:
~No Tap Outs
~Two Minute Rounds
~No Judges
~F a n s Vote Online For The Winner
With live internet broadcast, pay-per-view product WCFC (Ticker: AVEW)
events are not r e s t r i c t e d by t.v contracts or county borders.
Anyone, anywhere that has an internet connection can watch an event and
participate through our interactive interface.
AVEW Recent News
ActionView International, Inc. Chairman Discusses Reporting Status and
Expansion of Board of Directors
ActionView International, Inc. (Ticker: AVEW) Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, Gary Nerison, today discussed the company's current reporting
status by commenting, "As a company we are committed to providing our
shareholders with accurate and timely information to better help them
appreciate where ActionView is headed. At the same time, we are sensitive
to the price fluctuations that often accompany thinly trading stocks and
try to make sure that price speculation by foreign investors is minimized.
With that in mind, we believe that the company is now better positioned to
maintain the well being our long-term shareholders and we are pleased to
announce that we will be filing our current report within the next few
days. Our expectation is that we will maintain a current reporting status
indefinitely as we work towards moving towards a 'fully reporting' status
and a listing on a higher exchange."
Mr. Nerison also commented on the proposed changes to company's board of
directors, "With ActionView now generating stable revenues through its
subsidiary, MatchF i g h ts, LLC, and the expansion of the WCFC brand into
international markets through the televised distribution of pre-recorded
content, we are now in a position to expand our board of directors. We are
in discussion with industry professionals that can bring experience in both
sports entertainment and mixed martial arts production wich strives to
bolster the management group and moving the company rapidly forward towards
meeting its business achievements. We anticipate announcing two additional
board members immediately following the October 16th event at the R a i l
Event Center in Salt Lake City."
Mr. Nerison also expressed his appreciation for current management, "We are
deeply appreciative of the personal sacrifices of everyone involved with
building ActionView and MatchF i g h t s. It's no simple task to build a
brand from the ground up and make significant inroads in an industry known
for being exclusive. We're proud of the progress made so far and are glad
to be able to now bring additional support to our board and management."
In discussing financing options, Mr. Nerison explained, "ActionView is well
positioned financially so that we do not expect the need to raise any
additional funds through the end of the year. We have been careful thus far
in ensuring that dilution to our shareholders is kept at a minimum -
something we as a Board are very proud of. Apart from the mandatory, timed
conversion of our preferred stock, very few shares have been issued and
none have been added to the float, thus avoiding the downward pressure of
having multiple sellers out there with below-market stock."
ActionView International's wholly-owned MatchF i g h ts subsidiary delivers
the most intriguing brand of full contact f i g h t ing under its World
Championship Full Contact (WCFC) banner. MatchF i g h ts' events are
broadcast live in t.v quality to a worldwide audience over the Internet,
and revenue is derived from pay-per-view buys.
F i g h t enthusiasts, f i g h t ers, promoters, trainers and ring girls
are encouraged to go to the WCFC website at www.wcfc.com to set up a
personal profile and join the first and only comprehensive content driven
MMA web community dedicated to f i g h t ing. The site harnesses the power
of s o c i a l networks, allowing users to connect and share information
about their favorite f i g h t ers, f i g h t s and events. A comprehensive
marketing program is expected to r e s u l t in the www.wcfc.com becoming
the dominant f i g h t ing website in the world and draw consumers for WCFC
events broadcast over the Internet.
To Read he Full Press Release Click Here
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joining our email list. PLEASE NOTE WELL: The employees of
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from any and all abligation due to any and all loss (monetary or
otherwise), d a m a ge (monetary or otherwise), or i n j u r y (monetary or
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sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as
being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary
of the available data.
Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice.
InvestorClueso.com encourages readers and investors to supplement the
information in these reports with independent research and other
professional advice. All information on featured companies is provided by
the companies profiled or is available from public sources; Investor
Clueso, LLC makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the
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Entourage Group Inc.
11511 sw 81 rd Miami Fl 33156
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