[pkg-db-devel] Bug#634854: libdb4.8 upgrade to version 4.8.30-9 from 4.8.30-8 fails to upgrade db or db version string?

Joseph M. Deming joseph.deming at matrix.msu.edu
Wed Jul 20 15:19:17 UTC 2011

package: libdb4.8
version: 4.8.30-9

i did dist-upgrades yesterday in squeeze and had no problems with slapd 
or libdb4.8.

a cron task ran this morning to do another dist-upgrade and it appears 
that my libdb4.8.30-8 to libdb4.8.30-9 upgrade that came in this AM has 
now again broken slapd.

the error is a familiar:
bdb(dc=my,dc=domain,dc=here): Build signature doesn't match environment
bdb_db_open: database "dc=my,dc=domain,dc=here" cannot be opened, err 
-30971. Restore from backup!

it is worth mentioning that my slapd version upgraded itself from:
2.4.25-1 to

so it is plausible that it is slapd this time and not libdb, but 
experiences in the past have consistently pointed to libdb and it's 
version updates as the root cause.  in fact, it is suspiciously similar 
to this bug a month back that crept into testing before being reported.  
therefore i have filed this bug against libdb4.8.

#625484 (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=625484)

perhaps it is a regression of this bug?

if requested i can give more specifics of my machine, but a short 
summary is as follows:
  - it is an almost 100% vanilla install of debian sid/unstable.
  - the issue did not exist yesterday after a full dist-upgrade using 
the ftp://ftp.mi.us.debian.org/debian/ mirror which means it's 
downstream one relay from the main debian mirror, hence my package lists 
and sources may be some hours or a day behind true current.
  - still, the version upgrades mentioned above did NOT push out in 
yesterdays upgrade using that source and did push out this AM with 
upgrades from that source.
  - the slapd version running here is a 'secondary'/'mirror' of our 
primary ldap server and the primary server is still running the old 
versions, but unless my understanding of slapd and system-independence 
is way off that should make absolutely no difference, as noted it is 
failing to load and exiting when trying to load the local database 
instance before initializing the sync.

likely i can use either the downgrade, slapcat export, upgrade, slapcat 
import procedure to remedy this manually, or i can just re-sync from my 
master.  still, this seems to happen fairly often using bdb as a 
back-end to slapd so i think it's worth reporting.  if it's somehow 
user-error please explain as such and close, as always thank you for 
your continued efforts in maintaining these builds and issues, i am 
patient and know i am running 'unstable', let me know if i can be of any 
more assistance in this.  i will leave my machine in this failed state 
for a day or so before doing manual fixes so i can help if needed.

- jmd


Joseph M. Deming
System Administrator
415 Nat Sci Bldg
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-2472
joseph.deming at matrix.msu.edu

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