[pkg-dhcp-devel] No Options used in init script

Daniel Thielking daniel at thielking-vonessen.de
Wed Jun 29 17:48:52 UTC 2016

Hi Packaging Team,

I think I've found a Bug in the start script of the isc-dhcp-server package.

I try to run the dhcp server under a different user, therefore I edited 
the /etc/defaults/isc-dhcp-server file.
I added the user and group to the OPTIONS variable.

OPTIONS="-user dhcpd -group dhcpd"

If I run the dhcpd in foreground it is switching to this user after 
doing root stuff. Butt if I use the init.d script it doesn't do this.

I've found the position in the init.d script where to do this.

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
                 --exec /usr/sbin/dhcpd -- $VERSION -q -cf $CONF $INTERFACES

for me I will append this line for my reasons but I think it would be 
better to stay default!


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