[Pkg-dia-team] Bug#445162: dia: inappropriate longtitle

Bill Allombert ballombe at debian.org
Wed Oct 3 16:43:59 UTC 2007

Package: dia
Version: 0.96.1-4
Severity: normal

Hello Debian Dia Team,

The file /usr/share/menu/dia reads
?package(dia): \
   needs="X11" \
   section="Applications/Graphics" \
   hints="Vector" \
   command="/usr/bin/dia-normal" \
   icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/dia_menu.xpm" \
   title="Dia" \
   longtitle="Draw diagrams" \
   description="Dia can be used to draw different kind of diagrams. \
     There is support for UML static structure diagrams \
     (class diagrams), Entity-Relationship diagrams and \
     Network diagrams. Diagrams can be exported to postscript."

The longtitle must stand by itself without the title. It is generally a
good idea that it contains the software name preferably at the start.
"Draw diagrams" is too generic.
Maybe "Dia diagram drawer".

Thanks to have migrated to the new menu structure[1]. Howver dia rather
belong in Applications/Engineering.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ch3.html#s3.5

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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