[Pkg-dia-team] Bug#534481: Bug#534481: dia 0.97-2 eats up all system memory

Antonio Trueba atgayol at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 07:17:45 UTC 2009

Hi Roland,

Tested with several objects at random, the problem seems to be zooming while
antialias feature is enabled. Try the following:

- Start with a blank canvas (my default here is A3 size, guess the problem
isn't related to this)
- Add a "regval" object from "chemeng" sheet.
- Zoom in & out, resize or move at random, the memory usage should stay
moreless stable (~30MB here).
- Enable antialias
- Zoom in & out to random scales, the memory usage starts increasing
- Resize the object to a big scale, say half the canvas' paper size.
- Zoom at random again, the memory usage grows faster this time.

Performing as above with just one object may not eat up memory too fast, but
drawing three of four simple objects speeds things way up. Also, I found no
differences while playing with the object's properties, nor when playing as
above without antialias feature.

Also, if you close the diagram but keep dia's toolbar open the memory is not

Hope this helps.

2009/6/24 Roland Stigge <stigge at antcom.de>

> Hi Antonio,
> Antonio Trueba wrote:
>> While editing simple diagrams, dia's memory consumption grows way too
>> much.
>> After adding two or three standard objects to a blank canvas, modifying
>> some of their properties and zooming
>> in and out a couple of times, the program ate all available RAM (1,5GB)
>> and about 500MB of swap
>> before I had to kill it. Reverting dia-gnome, dia-common and dia-libs back
>> to 0.96.1 everything
>> went back to normal, with memory usage around 30MB.
> Thanks for your report. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce this. Can you
> please tell me which objects and properties you changed before zooming in
> and out?
> Thanks in advance,
> Roland


Antonio Trueba
atgayol at gmail.com
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