[Pkg-dkms-commits] r44 - website

derevko-guest at alioth.debian.org derevko-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 4 08:20:52 UTC 2009

Author: derevko-guest
Date: 2009-04-04 08:20:51 +0000 (Sat, 04 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 44

website/index.php: Updated VCS info

Modified: website/index.php
--- website/index.php	2008-12-12 09:16:51 UTC (rev 43)
+++ website/index.php	2009-04-04 08:20:51 UTC (rev 44)
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@
 <h1>Debian DKMS team</h1>
 <h2>What is DKMS?</h2>
-<p>DKMS is a framework designed to allow individual kernel modules to be 
-upgraded without changing the whole kernel. It is also very easy to 
+<p>DKMS is a framework designed to allow individual kernel modules to be
+upgraded without changing the whole kernel. It is also very easy to
 rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels.</p>
 <h2>Where can I get the package?</h2>
-<p>Just <code>apt-get install dkms</code>. If you feel adventurous, just 
-do a checkout of our <code>debian/</code> directory:</p>
+<p>At this moment the package is in the
+<a href="http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/dkms_2.0.21.0-1.html">NEW</a> queue.
+If you feel adventurous, just do a checkout of our git repository:</p>
-<code>svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-dkms/dkms/trunk dkms</code>
+<code>git clone git://git.debian.org/git/users/hanska-guest/dkms.git</code>
-<p>You might want to run the <code>get-orig-source</code> target, and 
-use <code>svn-buildpackage</code>.</p>
+<p>You might want to use <code>git-buildpackage</code>.</p>
 <h2>How can I contact the maintainers?</h2>
-<p>You can reach us on <a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/debian-dkms">#debian-dkms on OFTC</a>, or use 
-our <a href="mailto:pkg-dkms-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org">mailing 
+<p>You can reach us on <a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/debian-dkms">#debian-dkms on OFTC</a>, or use
+our <a href="mailto:pkg-dkms-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org">mailing
 <h2>How can I report a bug?</h2>
 <p>Please properly use <code>reportbug dkms</code>.</p>

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