[Pkg-dkms-commits] [SCM] Maintainance of the dkms package branch, master, updated. debian/

Giuseppe Iuculano giuseppe at iuculano.it
Fri May 15 20:22:19 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c5b7822565b31b6d6ce1dde1e0d99f08b9c28578
Author: Giuseppe Iuculano <giuseppe at iuculano.it>
Date:   Fri May 15 22:15:48 2009 +0200

    debian/patches/15_modprobe.patch: do not create an empty /etc/modprobe.d/package_name.conf. it is opened and parsed every time modprobe is run (and it is run very often at boot time). Create it only if necessary.

diff --git a/debian/patches/15_modprobe.patch b/debian/patches/15_modprobe.patch
index f14c75b..164ba58 100644
--- a/debian/patches/15_modprobe.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/15_modprobe.patch
@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
-do not install /etc/modprobe.d/dkms, it only contains comments and is opened and parsed every time modprobe is run (and it is run very often at boot time). Use instead (and create if necessary) /etc/modprobe.d/package_name.conf.
+do not create an empty /etc/modprobe.d/package_name.conf. it is opened and parsed every time modprobe is run (and it is run very often at boot time). Create it only if necessary.
 --- a/dkms
 +++ b/dkms
-@@ -739,6 +739,14 @@ function moduleconfig_add ()
-     [ -e /etc/modprobe.d/dkms ] && modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/dkms"
-     [ -e /etc/modules.conf ] && modconfig_files="$modconfig_files /etc/modules.conf"
-     [ -e /etc/modprobe.conf ] && modconfig_files="$modconfig_files /etc/modprobe.conf"
-+    [ -e /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf ] && modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf"
-+    if [ -z "$modconfig_files" ]; then
-+	    touch /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf
-+	    echo $"created /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf.">&2
-+	    modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf"
-+    fi
+@@ -750,8 +750,6 @@ function moduleconfig_add ()
+     [ -e /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf ] && modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf"
-     for moduleconfig in $modconfig_files; do
- 	local index=0
-@@ -809,6 +817,7 @@ function moduleconfig_remove ()
-     [ -e /etc/modprobe.d/dkms ] && modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/dkms"
-     [ -e /etc/modules.conf ] && modconfig_files="$modconfig_files /etc/modules.conf"
-     [ -e /etc/modprobe.conf ] && modconfig_files="$modconfig_files /etc/modprobe.conf"
-+    [ -e /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf ] && modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf"
+     if [ -z "$modconfig_files" ]; then
+-	    touch /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf
+-	    echo $"created /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf.">&2
+ 	    modconfig_files="/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf"
+     fi
-     for moduleconfig in $modconfig_files; do
- 	index=0
-@@ -833,6 +842,11 @@ function moduleconfig_remove ()
- 		    grep -v "alias ${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}[0-9]* ${dest_module_name[$index]}" $moduleconfig > $temp_dir_name/moduleconfig.new
- 		    mv -f $temp_dir_name/moduleconfig.new $moduleconfig
- 		    echo $"$moduleconfig: removed alias for '${dest_module_name[$index]}'"
-+		    if [ "$modconfig_files" == "/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf" ]; then
-+			    rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf
-+			    echo $"$moduleconfig: deleted /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf file"
-+		    fi
- 		fi
- 	    fi
+@@ -782,8 +780,13 @@ function moduleconfig_add ()
+ 	    # Only add it if it can't be found already in config file
+ 	    if [ -n "${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}" ] && \
+-	       ! grep -q "alias ${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}[0-9]* ${dest_module_name[$index]}\b" $moduleconfig && \
++	       ! grep -qs "alias ${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}[0-9]* ${dest_module_name[$index]}\b" $moduleconfig && \
+ 	       [ "${modules_conf_obsolete_only[$index]}" != "yes" ]; then
++	        if [ "$modconfig_files" == "/etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf" ] && \
++			[ ! -e /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf ]; then
++			touch /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf
++			echo $"created /etc/modprobe.d/$package_name.conf.">&2
++		fi
+ 		aliases=$(awk "/^alias ${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}/ {print \$2}" $moduleconfig)
+ 		if [ -n "$aliases" ]; then
+ 			alias_number=$(($(echo "$aliases" | sed "s/${modules_conf_alias_type[$index]}//" | sort -n | tail -n 1) + 1))

Maintainance of the dkms package

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