[Pkg-dns-devel] Bug#807132: Bug#807132: Related issue? unbound not restarted after upgrade

Matthew Vernon mcv21 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Apr 18 15:51:42 UTC 2016


> Thank you for this follow-up, up until now I had thought this behavior
> could only be triggered when using "unbound-control" to stop unbound.
> Could you try using the "very basic native unbound.service unit file"
> from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=807132#10 as a
> drop-in, and see if the behavior goes away?

Yep. Without that service file, service unbound restart fails to restart

With that service file installed, service unbound restart behaves as

So I do think rolling this out to jessie would be good :)



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