[Pkg-dns-devel] What to do with isc-dhcp-client-udeb?

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Tue Jan 23 11:25:50 UTC 2018

Hi KiBi,

I would also love to get rid of the isc-dhcp-client-udeb, but so far the message from the busybox team was that the dhcp client there doesn't compile there and needs some upstream work to get it working.

(As a matter of fact, the busybox doesn't compile at all on kfreebsd-* and hurd-i386 right now.)

As for the BIND libraries and libatomic.

There has been some effort to replace the custom atomic code with a C-provided counterpart - it also fixes the mips deadlocks.

But generally, I would prefer to move all BIND libraries into "custom" namespace, so the libraries are not used by anything else, and either:

a) use the custom copy of the libraries inside isc-dhcp
b) prepare separate package for the lib<something>-udeb that would follow the BIND 9.11 development (BIND 9.11 is to be supported for next 4 years) and then remove those AND isc-dhcp from Debian.

The upcoming ISC-DHCP release 4.4.0 is ought to be the _last_ major upgrade, see: https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-the-last-branch/

And if porting udhcpc to kFreeBSD proves to be much work, then perhaps porting dhclient from OpenBSD might be an option?

Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018, at 16:20, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Hi bind9 people,
> I've just gotten this:
> > Subject: udeb uninstallability trend: worse (+18/-)
> udeb uninstallability watcher <debian-boot at lists.debian.org> (2018-01-22):
> > Newly-broken packages in testing
> >   isc-dhcp-client-udeb                     armel mips mipsel
> >   libdns-export169-udeb                    armel mips mipsel
> >   libirs-export160-udeb                    armel mips mipsel
> >   libisc-export166-udeb                    armel mips mipsel
> >   libisccc-export160-udeb                  armel mips mipsel
> >   libisccfg-export160-udeb                 armel mips mipsel
> > 
> > Uninstallability trend: worse (+18/-0)
> > Uninstallability count: 397
> I happened to have missed its unstable counterpart, because those come in
> batches, depending on the current buildd status of packages. I thought the
> “Newly-broken” packages for armel, mips, and mipsel were an artifact of
> late builds.
> I don't know anything about this libatomic1; but from a look at the 0013
> patch, it seems to be a need for a platform rather than for a feature…
> Anyway, I'm not sure what to do with isc-dhcp-client-udeb; it's getting
> broken on a regular fashion, and its purpose was mainly for non-Linux
> ports AFAICR.
> I'm not sure how BSD is doing these days; maybe hurd is the only user
> left?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Cyril Brulebois (kibi at debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
> D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant
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