[Pkg-doc-linux-devel] pls,i need your urgent reply
amina ahmed
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 13:37:19 +0000
from federal ministry of agriculture and
mineral resources
Hello my dear=2C
I got your contact through a consultancy
firm here in burkina faso after fasting and praying
hoping and beleiving that you will not let me down=2E
I am miss=2E amina ahmed=2C a senior civil
servant with the above named ministry=2C and was opportune to head a contract award
committee of the federal ministry of agriculture and
minineral resources in my country=2C burkina faso=2C some
time ago=2E
In the course of my assignment=2C I with the
consent of my other colleagues on the board inflated a
contract awarded to a foreign contractor=2C to the tune
of$57=2C550m =28fifty seven million five hundred and fifty thousand
United States Dollars=2E=29 The foreign contractor has long
completed the contract and has since been paid his
contract sum=2E Leaving the balance of$17m =28seventeen million
United State Dollars=29 Floating in my ministrys
account =2E I am hereby requesting your assistance and
corporation to enable us remit this money into any
foreign bank account of yours=2E While the said account
must be such that we will not have any difficulties
getting back our own share of the fund=2E The nature of
your present business or occupation does not matter=2E I
am therefore asking you to provide me through this
confidential email address all necessary things i
might required along side the transaction=2E For your
assistance and cooperation=2C you will be entitled to
20% of the total amount=2C while the balance of 80%
will be for I and my Colleagues=2E I will come over to
your country as soon as the money gets into your
account for our own share =2E Please be informed that
all necessary logistic arrangements has been conclude
to enable the transfer of the money into your account
within five working days of receiving the required
account information from you where this fund will be
transfered =2E
I am also assuring you that there is no problem
on my side=2E=2E=2E=2Ethe only thing i need from you is your
trust=2E Waiting for your urgent response=2E
Yours faithfully=2C
miss amina Ahmed