[Pkg-doc-linux-devel] Unresponsive HOWTO maintainers

Frank Lichtenheld frank@lichtenheld.de
Sat, 20 Dec 2003 19:50:13 +0100

On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 11:31:48AM -0700, doug jensen wrote:
> What I had in mind was getting TLDP involved in emailing the authors, so
> they could see that quite often there is no response.  Also, maybe the
> authors will respond to requests from TLDP.
> Do either of you have any comments, questions, or preferences?  I don't
> want to be doing anything that the doc-linux maintainers are unaware
> of, or disagree with.

I think it would be very good, if we could initiate such a cooperation.
It would also make more obvious what maintainers are MIA to use the
Debian term.

There are at least two possible solutions that I'm aware of:
1.) CC'ing a mailing list (like discuss@ or a special one)
2.) Starting to use a real BTS.

I would of course prefer option 2) but option 1) is simpler
to implement and not so "public" (There are many arguments on discuss@ I
couldn't imagine, so I would not be surprised if it will actually be

I was thinking along the same lines sometimes, I just haven't had the
time to write something together to make a mail out of it (I'm somewhat
reluctant to channel my ideas into mails :/).

So please go ahead.

Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>
www: http://www.djpig.de/