[Pkg-doc-linux-devel] Checking licenses

Frank Lichtenheld frank@lichtenheld.de
Thu, 6 Nov 2003 23:51:48 +0100

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 10:06:56AM -0700, doug jensen wrote:
> Hi,
> Just some ideas on license checking, with a few questions at the end.
> Automatically checking the licenses of new howtos would be very difficult


> Checking updated howtos for license changes is:
>   - difficult <= not fun, to do manually.
>   - Easier to do automatically and could improve the checking accuracy.
>     (Documents that have no license still need to be checked manually,
>     but extraction from the tar file could be automated.)
> [some thoughts about checking]
> Questions:
>   - Do you have other or better ideas?

Before creating something like this we should evaluate what's the status
of approches like the OMF XML indices
(see http://ibiblio.org/osrt/omf/ and 
The link in the debian/rules to http://www.lampadas.org/ seems to be
dead btw.

Something like this would be far more preferable. If we find such an
index that is maintained good, we ideally just have to check the
<rights> tag (or something similar). Perhaphs we just end maintaining
it ourselves ;)

Colin, you seem to have already worked on this but then postponed it.
Can you perhaps elaborate a bit on what you have planned and what you
know about the existing solutions/indices?

>   - Would you be in favor of this approach?
>   - Does the grep file seem appropriate?
>   - Is the format ok?
>   - It would require maintenance, is that ok?

The problem is not the maintainance (There are about 10-20 HOWTO updates
in a month, even manually checking them is a task for half an hour or so)
but the work you have to do on the beginning for all the existing

If you want to work on this start with a script that extracts the
tarball with the text HOWTOs, gets a list of updated ones
(debian/diff-tarballs, *hint, hint* ;) and outputs the license we
currently assume for them (by searching in debian/copyrights).
This should not be to complicated at all.

The _second_ step would then be to try to add a check if our information
is still correct.

Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>
www: http://www.djpig.de/