Bug#177675: [Pkg-doc-linux-devel] Bug#177675: acknowledged by developer (This is a linuxdoc problem)

Frank Lichtenheld Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>, 177675@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:11:41 +0200

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 04:08:57AM +0800, Dan Jacobson wrote:
> D> If you want this changed you should contact linuxdoc-tools upstream.
> But I used Tags: upstream

Yes. But we get the HOWTOs already converted from the LDP. So
our upstream is the LDP, and they can't do anything about linuxdoc-tools
(other than contacting the linuxdoc-tools upstream). Therefor I proposed
you avoid the two steps in the middle and contact linuxdoc-tools

> What email address should I send to?

Contact: Sano Taketoshi <sano@debian.org>
URL: http://people.debian.org/~sano/linuxdoc-tools/

Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>
www: http://www.djpig.de/