[Pkg-drupal-devel] Collaborative Maintainership of new drupal packages

Luigi Gangitano luigi at debian.org
Wed Jan 3 19:40:31 CET 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
now that I'm finally able to write to this mailing list, I'd like to  
set up collaborative maintainership for the drupal-4.7 package that  
was accepted last week after some time in the NEW queue, and for  
future versions of drupal packages.

To be honest, I must admit that this is my first try at collaborative  
maintainership (if this succeed, other packages could be  
collaboratively maintained in future) and that I'd like to keep some  
control over the process for the first releases, until I find my best  
way to interact with other members.

Drupal package has changed a lot from the version that shipped with  
sarge. I started from Karl-Heinz Nirschl's package and migrated it to  
dbconfig-common, removing all of the database setup logic.

Database upgrade logic is also gone, while parallel version of  
different versions of drupal is now allowed. Packages will be named  
drupal-4.7, drupal-5.0, etc. allowing for system administrator to  
setup multiple versions on the same server and manually migrating  
databases from one version to the next. This is particularly useful  
when a server is hosting multiple drupal sites, each with its own  

Postfix support is now active out-of-the-box with automatic database  

I'm going to commit my changes to the alioth SVN repository in the  
next few days, making it my working repository. I see that many  
developers I don't know have access to the SVN repository and I'm  
still trying to figure out how to validate commits before an upload.

Please, help me moving to collaborative maintainership making this a  
pleasant experience.

I'm waiting to hear your suggestions and directions.


- --
Luigi Gangitano -- <luigi at debian.org> -- <gangitano at lugroma3.org>
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