[Pkg-drupal-devel] Collaborative Maintainership of new drupal packages

Marcus Better marcus at better.se
Thu Jan 4 07:59:05 CET 2007


> To be honest, I must admit that this is my first try at collaborative
> maintainership (if this succeed, other packages could be
> collaboratively maintained in future) and that I'd like to keep some
> control over the process for the first releases, until I find my best
> way to interact with other members.

I have some experience of team maintainership from tikiwiki and the Java 
packaging team. If I may share some experiences from that, I would suggest 
that you remain Maintainer, at least initially, and not have a team in that 
position unless you know they are as active as yourself. Co-maintainers can 
be listed as Uploaders. With Tikiwiki, I have found it difficult to find 
people who were willing to actually do some work, and having a one-man team 
is no fun.

The Java team works somewhat better, but the constant problem is that 
co-maintainers "forget" about a package they worked on, without formally 
stepping back, resulting in packages that are effectively orphaned [1]. 

Good luck!


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2006/10/msg00021.html

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