[Pkg-drupal-devel] SVN layout, drupal-5.0 and other news

Luigi Gangitano luigi at debian.org
Fri Jan 26 20:38:30 CET 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce that a first version of drupal-5.0 hit the  
SVN repository today. But let's look at it from the beginning:

- - SVN repository layout has been changed to allowing for multiple  
package version. Two new branches have been created: branches/ 
drupal-4.7 and branches-drupal-5.0, with, respectively, the latest  
4.7 package and a first try at 5.0.

Please, DON'T use trunk anymore. You can switch your local copy to  
the new branch with 'svn sw'. (trunk will probably be removed in the  

- - branches/drupal-5.0 is where I'm working on 5.0 packages which will  
have Source: drupal-5.0 and Package: drupal-5.0. As of now is just an  
svn-upgrade to new upstream sources and s/4.7/5.0/g. If you can take  
a look at it (expecially the database setup, which has changed), it'd  
be really helpful.

- - I added hooks/post-commit and hooks/svn-mailer.conf to the pkg- 
drupal repository (not IN the pkg-drupal repository, but on the  
original layout on svn.debian.org), and configured it to send commit  
email to pkg-drupal-commits at l.a.d.o and to the PTS.

If all of this has been done right, now is the time to plan for 5.0  
changes. I just merged in the new sources, but would like to hear for  
suggestions for package improvements.


- --
Luigi Gangitano -- <luigi at debian.org> -- <gangitano at lugroma3.org>
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