[Pkg-dspam-misc] dspam question

Warren Turkal wt at penguintechs.org
Thu Nov 16 20:51:48 CET 2006

Dspam gurus,

I was just curious. Why is dspam running as the postgres user? Shouldn't
it be running as the dspam user? I keep getting log messages about how
it cannot read the config file, which is owned and readable by the dspam

root      1258     1  0 12:31 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/dspam --daemon
postgres  1259  2667  0 12:31 ?        00:00:00 postgres: dspam libdspam7drvpgsql idle                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
postgres  1260  2667  0 12:31 ?        00:00:01 postgres: dspam libdspam7drvpgsql idle                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
postgres  1261  2667  0 12:31 ?        00:00:00 postgres: dspam libdspam7drvpgsql idle                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Warren Turkal (w00t)

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