[Pkg-dspam-misc] Bug#411995: dspam: LocalMX attribute doesnt work with non global shared group

Etienne PENICAUD etienne at xsalto.com
Thu Feb 22 18:36:36 UTC 2007

Package: dspam
Version: 3.6.8-5
Severity: important


My dspam is configured with shared groups, one global and other are normal.
When i send a message for a global group user, LocalMX is used.
But when i send a mail for a normal group user, dspam don't care about 
this attribute.

I've my dspam check behind an antivirus mail relay , so all my local 
mail relay tokens have a high spam probability.

Other checks :
- when i try with only one normal shared group in the config file, the 
problem is same.

Debug Capture :
 connection id 24 from
 No QuarantineAgent option found. Using standard quarantine.
 using database handle id 4
 handle locked
 DSPAM Instance Startup
 input args: dspam --deliver=innocent -d %u
 pass-thru args: /usr/bin/procmail -d %u
 processing user user1
 uid = 0, euid = 0, gid = 0, egid = 114
 loading preferences for user user1
 _ds_pref_load: unable to _mysql_drv_getpwnam(user1)
 Loading preferences for uid 0
 Loading preferences for uid 0
 loaded default preferences externally
 using /var/spool/dspam/opt-in/domain/user1.dspam as path
 using /var/spool/dspam/opt-out/domain/user1.nodspam as path
 assigning user user1 to group group1
 assigning user user1 to group group2
 sedation level set to: 5
 message is signed.  retaining original text for reassembly
 Loading 18 BNR patterns
 Whitelist threshold: 10
 [graham] [0.990000] etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] From*Etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Received*(mey38 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*(mey38 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Received*(mey38+2 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*(mey38+2 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] User-Agent*(Windows/20061207) (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] User-Agent*(Windows/20061207) (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] 92+36 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] 92+36 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Fax+04 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Fax+04 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] xsalto+com (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] xsalto+com (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Fax (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Fax (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] XSALTO+etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] XSALTO+etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] XSALTO (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] XSALTO (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Subject*test (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Subject*test (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] User-Agent* (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] User-Agent* (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] From*<etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] From*<etienne (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [graham] [0.990000] Etienne+PENICAUD (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Etienne+PENICAUD (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] 208+408 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] 0820+208 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] 04+92 (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*for+<ep (2frq, 8s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*98+205.fbx.proxad.net (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*from+[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] (1frq, 7s, 0i)
Last ones are not supposed to be checked
 [graham] [0.990000] Received*(localhost+[]) (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*(localhost+[]) (1frq, 7s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*secured+mailserver (2frq, 43s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*secured+mailserver (2frq, 43s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*secured (2frq, 43s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*secured (2frq, 43s, 0i)
 [burton] [0.990000] Received*mailserver (1frq, 8s, 0i)
 Graham-Bayesian Probability: 1.000000 Samples: 15
 Burton-Bayesian Probability: 1.000000 Samples: 27
 using Graham factors
 Result Confidence: 0.99
 Control: [10 10] [11 10] Delta: [1 0]
 saving signature as 8399,45ddc53e144776161420385
 libdspam returned probability of 1.000000
 message result: SPAM
 Establishing connection to

Configuration files :

 Home /var/spool/dspam
 StorageDriver /usr/lib/dspam/libmysql_drv.so
 TrustedDeliveryAgent "/usr/bin/procmail"
 DeliveryPort 10029
 DeliveryIdent mail-dspam
 DeliveryProto SMTP
 OnFail error
 Trust root
 Trust dspam
 Trust mail
 Trust mailnull
 Trust smmsp
 Trust daemon
 Trust nobody
 Trust postfix
 TrainingMode toe
 TestConditionalTraining on
 Feature chained
 Feature whitelist
 Feature tb=5
 Algorithm graham burton
 PValue graham
 Preference "spamAction=tag"
 Preference "signatureLocation=headers"
 Preference "showFactors=on"
 Preference "spamSubject={Spam?}"
 AllowOverride trainingMode
 AllowOverride spamAction spamSubject
 AllowOverride statisticalSedation
 AllowOverride enableBNR
 AllowOverride enableWhitelist
 AllowOverride signatureLocation
 AllowOverride showFactors
 AllowOverride optIn optOut
 AllowOverride whitelistThreshold
 HashRecMax 98317
 HashAutoExtend on
 HashMaxExtents 0
 HashExtentSize 49157
 HashMaxSeek 100
 HashConnectionCache 10
 IgnoreHeader X-Virus-Scanned
 IgnoreHeader X-Amavis-Alert
 Notifications off
 PurgeSignatures 14 # Stale signatures
 PurgeNeutral 90 # Tokens with neutralish probabilities
 PurgeUnused 90 # Unused tokens
 PurgeHapaxes 30 # Tokens with less than 5 hits (hapaxes)
 PurgeHits1S 15 # Tokens with only 1 spam hit
 PurgeHits1I 15 # Tokens with only 1 innocent hit
 LocalMX ip1 ip2 ...
 SystemLog on
 UserLog on
 Opt out
 ParseToHeaders on
 ChangeModeOnParse off
 ChangeUserOnParse off
 Broken case
 MaxMessageSize 81920
 ServerPort 10028
 ServerQueueSize 50
 ServerPID /var/run/dspam/dspam.pid
 ServerMode auto
 ServerParameters "--deliver=innocent -d %u"
 ServerIdent "mail01-dspam.xsalto.net"
 ProcessorBias on
 Include /etc/dspam/dspam.d/

 MySQLServer zzz
 MySQLPort 3306
 MySQLUser xxx
 MySQLPass yyy
 MySQLDb dspam
 MySQLConnectionCache 20
 MySQLVirtualTable dspam_virtual_uids
 MySQLVirtualUIDField uid
 MySQLVirtualUsernameField username
 MySQLUIDInSignature on

System :
 debian etch 4.0
 kernel  2.6.18-3-686
 libc6 Version: 2.3.6.ds1-11

Packages dspam depends on :
 adduser                       3.102
 libdspam7                     3.6.8-5   
 libdspam7-drv-mysql           3.6.8-5
 libldap2                      2.1.30-13.2  
 procmail                      3.22-16     

Thanks for your help :)

Etienne PENICAUD - Xsalto

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