[Pkg-dspam-misc] 3.8.0-STABLE Release available since March 19, 2007

Tim Small tim at buttersideup.com
Sun Sep 16 20:49:02 UTC 2007

Just Marc wrote:
> Hi guys,
> What are the plans to ship a new package?  The current, old, version is 
> buggy and problematic in some respects

I could do with updating the package on my mail server as 3.6.8 doesn't 
seem to work properly on my x86_64 system.  Probably can't spare any 
time until first week of Oct tho'.  Has anyone made a start on packaging 
3.8.0, or do I need to start from the current 3.6.8 package in etch?

Anyone able to spare some cycles in that time frame?



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