[Pkg-dspam-misc] [Dspam-devel] Missing information in the UPGRADING file.

Stevan Bajić stevan at bajic.ch
Fri Apr 2 13:56:30 UTC 2010

> Hi,
Hallo Philippe,

> I'm just doing some tests with dspam 3.9, especially an upgrade from
> 3.6.8 and it seems that the UPGRADING file is missing something for the
> postgresql backend: between the version 3.8 and the version 3.9, there
> is a new postgresql function and the UPGRADING file never talk about it.
> The function is 'lookup_tokens(integer,integer,bigint[])' in the file
> 'src/tools.pgsql_drv/pgsql_objects.sql'. Perhaps it would be nice to
> mention how to create this function (with the other intructions)?
I looked now now inside the UPGRADING file and there is an information in the file regarding the additional PostgreSQL function. You where wrong that the function is new in between 3.8 and 3.9. The function already got introduced in 3.6.8. If you look at the section regarding an upgrade from 3.4 then you should spot this item here:
4. Ensure PostgreSQL installation have a lookup_tokens function
   PostgreSQL systems running v8.0+ must create the function lookup_tokens
   added to pgsql_objects.sql. The driver now checks your version and uses this
   function to improve performance on 8.0+.

If you had a 3.6.8 version of DSPAM and had not this function in your PostgreSQL database then you either missed to add the function when you upgraded from 3.4 or you had at that time PostgreSQL < 8.0 and did not needed to add that function.

> Cheers,
Kind Regards from Switzerland,

> Philippe.
Stevan Bajić

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