[Pkg-dspam-misc] Bug#632799: dspam: signature always appended to body

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Wed Jul 6 07:27:05 UTC 2011

On Wed, 6 Jul 2011 09:08:30 +0200
Julien Valroff <julien at debian.org> wrote:

Ian> It's too late for the latter, but I can try to do the former.

Julien> Too bad as I think it is either a problem in your configuration
Julien> / preferences or a bug in dspam which would cause the signature
Julien> to be added in both the headers and the body of the email.

Julien> Do you remember how you had configured the signature location
Julien> option?

Oh sorry, I didn't realize reportbug skipped the conffiles.  I attach
a complete diff from the original configuration to mine.

Ian> My goal was to minimize any disruption to the existing
Ian> configuration.  In particular, I wanted to avoid any
Ian> reconfiguration of the MTA (exim).  Therefore, both the
Ian> responsibility of calling dspam (actually dspamc) and actual
Ian> disposition of emails was left to the delivery agent.  The delivery
Ian> agent is my homemade one [1] but you can just imagine procmail in
Ian> its place, as the functionality is very similar.

Julien> If I am right, we are pretty sure in that case that the email is
Julien> only sent once to dspam before being delivered to the final
Julien> mailbox/maildir?

Yes, pretty sure.  Unless dspamc itself sends it to the daemon twice :-P

Ian Zimmerman
gpg public key: 1024D/C6FF61AD
fingerprint: 66DC D68F 5C1B 4D71 2EE5  BD03 8A00 786C C6FF 61AD
Rule 420: All persons more than eight miles high to leave the court.
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