[Pkg-dspam-misc] Upload of dspam to testing-proposed-update

Thomas Preud'homme robotux at celest.fr
Sun Aug 12 02:38:14 UTC 2012

Greetings Release Team,

I'm writing to you as I would like your approval to upload dspam package to 
testing-proposed-update in order to fix bug #644392. As you can see, the 
version in unstable contains to many change for an unblock request and an 
upload via testing-proposed-updates is necessary.

The patch comes from upstream and consist of fixing a commented command line to 
call exim in dspam configuration. If users uncomment the current command line, 
data loss can result from it, as explain the message [0].

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=644392#73

Except for the upload via testing-proposed-update, I think the upload respect 
the criterias: minor changes to fix an RC bug. You'll find attached the debdiff. 
As soon as I get your approval I'll ask a DD to upload the package (I don't 
have my gpg key where I am right now) and will come back to you once all 
architectures have build the package to ask you to approve the upload. By the 
way, is this step done via BTS or via mail to the ML?

Best regards,

Thomas Preud'homme
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