[Pkg-dssi-devel] *****HELLO==P/T 2011***OFFER ****
m.montel2011 at homecall.co.uk
m.montel2011 at homecall.co.uk
Wed Dec 7 09:07:49 UTC 2011
You have been selected for an assignment as a M.y.s.tery S.h.o.pper
SURVEY.You will be earning $200 as a secret shopper for on each assignment
you carry out.
You would be given stores to evaluates.e.g.Victoria Secret, Amazon, E
bay,Rogers, Macy's, Gap, Lego, Wal Mart , Western Union outlet while you
conduct a simple survey
Your employment packet will include funds for the shopping and a training
assignment which will be sent to you after you receive payment for the
assignment. We will be responsible for all the finance required for
this survey as you are not required to drop and upfront money.
Note: You are to follow all instructions given to you to the fullest.
KINDLY SEND YOUR INFORMATION BELOW TO [ M.montel at blumail.org ].
Your Full Name:
Your Address (NOT P.O Box):
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number(s): Age:
Have you been to a wal-Mart® store before?
Email me back with the above details via the below email address;
Email: M.montel at blumail.org
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All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2011®
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