[Pkg-e-commits] [SCM] Enlightenment DR17 graphical layout and animation library branch, upstream-vcs, updated. dbfd1e42ab9bb65dd20f7090b52de5a835acf26f

dresb dresb at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 15 18:28:50 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the upstream-vcs branch:
commit dbfd1e42ab9bb65dd20f7090b52de5a835acf26f
Author: dresb <dresb>
Date:   Sat Mar 15 00:51:45 2008 +0000

    I wasted quite some time thanks for ignoring this detail.

diff --git a/src/bin/edje_cc_handlers.c b/src/bin/edje_cc_handlers.c
index 4423958..abecc51 100644
--- a/src/bin/edje_cc_handlers.c
+++ b/src/bin/edje_cc_handlers.c
@@ -1751,16 +1751,20 @@ st_collections_group_parts_part_effect(void)
         part {
             dragable {
-                confine: "anotherpart";
-                events: "anotherdragablepart";
+                confine: "another part";
+                events:  "another dragable part";
                 x: 0 0 0;
                 y: 0 0 0;
-        This block is used to set the properties for parts that will be dragged
-        around the interface (not external drag & drop).
+        When this block is used the resulting part can be dragged around the
+        interface, do not confuse with external drag & drop. By default Edje 
+        (and most applications) will attempt to use the minimal size possible 
+        for a dragable part. If the min property is not set in the description
+        the part will be (most likely) set to 0px width and 0px height, thus
+        invisible.
@@ -1769,9 +1773,9 @@ st_collections_group_parts_part_effect(void)
         [enable/disable] [step] [count]
         Used to setup dragging events for the X axis. The first parameter is
-        used to enable (1 or -1) and disable (0) dragging along the axis, in
-        the first case, 1 sets the starting point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The
-        second parameter takes any integer and will limit movement to values
+        used to enable (1 or -1) and disable (0) dragging along the axis. When
+        enabled, 1 will set the starting point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The second
+        parameter takes any integer and will limit movement to values
         divisibles by it, causing the part to jump from position to position.
         The third parameter, (question from the author: What is count for?).
@@ -1799,11 +1803,11 @@ st_collections_group_parts_part_dragable_x(void)
         [enable/disable] [step] [count]
         Used to setup dragging events for the Y axis. The first parameter is
-        used to enable (1 or -1) and disable (0) dragging along the axis, in
-        the first case, 1 sets the starting point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The
-        second parameter takes any integer and will limit movement to values
+        used to enable (1 or -1) and disable (0) dragging along the axis. When
+        enabled, 1 will set the starting point at 0.0 and -1 at 1.0. The second
+        parameter takes any integer and will limit movement to values
         divisibles by it, causing the part to jump from position to position.
-        The third parame, (question from the author: What is count for?).
+        The third parameter, (question from the author: What is count for?).
 static void
@@ -1829,9 +1833,7 @@ st_collections_group_parts_part_dragable_y(void)
         [another part's name]
         When set, limits the movement of the dragged part to another part's
-        container. Since the size of dragable object will be setup by the
-        application, the "min" property of "description" should be an accesible
-        size.
+        container.
 static void

Enlightenment DR17 graphical layout and animation library

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