Using bazaar (baz)

Rob Browning
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 15:10:59 -0600

J=E9r=F4me Marant <> writes:

> No, it is backward compatible since you can create an archive in
> the tla format if you like (--tla option to init-tree).
> One of the goals of bazaar is to always remain compatible with
> tla.
> However, you can create a baz-specific project as well.

Hmm.  you might want to double check that.  The last message I saw
suggested otherwise.  i.e. that baz can read arch archives, but may or
may not write stuff to the archive that tla can't read.

I don't have time right this minute to re-read to be sure that was the
conclusion, but I think this may be the thread I'm remembering:

Rob Browning
rlb and; previously
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