Using bazaar (baz)

Jérôme Marant
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:35:00 +0100

Quoting Rob Browning <>:

> > I think there's no hurry in using it. It is just more convenient :-)
> I already tried it last night, and it handled our case (the one I
> described on the list) transparently.

This is nifty.

> I also merged your patches up through patch-8 (they look good --
> thanks), and I've prepared the 21.4a orig.tar.gz.  However, I want to
> try it before I upload, so it'll probably be later tonight.  I may
> also have some of my changes ready to commit/mirror by then too.

Out of curiosity, did you make progress on our major concern, that
is the configure one?

Jérôme Marant