Arch hook for commit messages

Rob Browning
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 08:57:00 -0600

J=E9r=F4me Marant <> writes:

>> Even with emacs, the autofiles.dpatch is over 700K (though the diffs
>> may be small after the initial submission), and if we were to ever
>> store the upstream source in baz, importing a new upstream version
>> would generate extremely large commit emails.
> 700K? How can it be that big?

You'll have to ask the autoconf people ;>  There are only two files in
the diff, aclocal.m4 (which goes away), and configure.  The latter is
over 95% of the diff.

>> to the commit hook.
> Yes, why not.

OK.  Is 1000 lines a reasonable length?

Rob Browning
rlb and; previously
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