
Jérôme Marant jerome.marant@free.fr
Tue, 10 May 2005 15:14:15 +0200


Could you explain the reason for running epaths-force after
configure, in the following rule?
Since configure in facts runs it already, why it is necessary
to run it again?

debian/stamp/configure-%: debian/stamp/setup
	rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}
	mkdir ${BUILDDIR}
	cd ${BUILDDIR} && CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" ../../configure ${confflags}
        # Because paths-force is called in configure, but configure
        # doesn't support --locallisppath (do we still need this?)
	(cd ${BUILDDIR} && ${build_cmd} epaths-force)
	mkdir -p debian/stamp && touch $@


Jérôme Marant