[Pkg-emboss-devel] Bug#435991: Bug#435991: emboss-explorer: crontest failure find: /var/www/emboss-explorer: No such file or directory

Filippo Giunchedi filippo at debian.org
Sun Aug 5 09:43:21 UTC 2007

On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 12:13:56AM -0400, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> Crontabs have the same problem.  They're in /etc, are often dpkg
> conffiles, and cause some program to be executed.  But the existence
> of the program binary can't be guarnateed, so nonexistence should be
> handled cleanly and elegantly.

Exactly, thanks Justin.

> > Also, what is the AUTOREMOVE fuction you are talking about?
> Hmm this I can't answer..  I think maybe he means dpkg "deconfigure"
> action?

It is the new apt feature of removing packages installed automatically but no
longer in use (a-la aptitude). The test is for spotting cronjobs depending on
one of their deps to be available (e.g. #436025). Sorry if that wasn't clear

Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
random quote follows:

"UNIX was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that
would also stop them from doing clever things."
-- Doug Gwyn

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