[Pkg-emboss-devel] Bug#427439: Bug#427439: emboss: man pages still conflict

Charles Plessy charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org
Sun Sep 9 04:47:28 UTC 2007

Le Sat, Sep 08, 2007 at 11:32:54AM -0400, Aaron M. Ucko a écrit :
> One trick you can use here is to add a suffix such as "emboss" to the
> conflicting man pages' sections; while man will still give priority to
> the other packages' versions if both are installed, "man -a" will
> bring up both versions.

Dear Aaron,

many thanks for noticing this. Do you think that it would be acceptable
to add the suffix to all emboss manpages? This would solve the problem
whichever conflict would appear in future versions. Many commands in
EMBOSS have quite common names...

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan

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