[Pkg-escience-soc2009] [SCM] Tool for creating VM images. branch, master, updated. 997bba691102edb88e5d92e641a8a5c5a72cc659

David Wendt dcrkid at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 16 22:12:14 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 997bba691102edb88e5d92e641a8a5c5a72cc659
Author: David Wendt <dcrkid at yahoo.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 16 18:11:37 2009 -0400

    Extra minor commit to remove .py~ files from the "Changed but not updated" list

diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py~ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py~
deleted file mode 100644
index 2370804..0000000
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-#    Uncomplicated VM Builder
-#    Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Canonical Ltd.
-#    See AUTHORS for list of contributors
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import glob
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import socket
-import tempfile
-import VMBuilder
-import VMBuilder.disk as disk
-import VMBuilder.suite as suite
-from   VMBuilder.util import run_cmd
-class Dapper(suite.Suite):
-    updategrub = "/sbin/update-grub"
-    grubroot = "/lib/grub"
-    valid_flavours = { 'i386' :  ['386', '686', '686-smp', 'k7', 'k7-smp', 'server', 'server-bigiron'],
-                       'amd64' : ['amd64-generic', 'amd64-k8', 'amd64-k8-smp', 'amd64-server', 'amd64-xeon']}
-    default_flavour = { 'i386' : 'server', 'amd64' : 'amd64-server' }
-    disk_prefix = 'hd'
-    xen_kernel_flavour = None
-    virtio_net = False
-    def check_kernel_flavour(self, arch, flavour):
-        return flavour in self.valid_flavours[arch]
-    def check_arch_validity(self, arch):
-        return arch in self.valid_flavours.keys()
-    def install(self, destdir):
-        self.destdir = destdir
-        logging.debug("debootstrapping")
-        self.debootstrap()
-        logging.debug("Setting up sources.list")
-        self.install_sources_list()
-        logging.debug("Setting up apt proxy")
-        self.install_apt_proxy()
-        logging.debug("Installing fstab")
-        self.install_fstab()
-        logging.debug("Creating devices")
-        self.create_devices()
-        if self.vm.hypervisor.needs_bootloader:
-            logging.debug("Installing grub")
-            self.install_grub()
-        logging.debug("Configuring guest networking")
-        self.config_network()
-        logging.debug("Preventing daemons from starting")
-        self.prevent_daemons_starting()
-        if self.vm.hypervisor.needs_bootloader:
-            logging.debug("Installing menu.list")
-            self.install_menu_lst()
-            logging.debug("Installing kernel")
-            self.install_kernel()
-            logging.debug("Creating device.map")
-            self.install_device_map()
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
-        logging.debug("Installing ssh keys")
-        self.install_authorized_keys()
-	logging.debug("Install xen kernel")
-	self.install_xen_kernel()
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_ec2_patches:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
-        logging.debug("Installing extra packages")
-        self.install_extras()
-        logging.debug("Creating initial user")
-        self.create_initial_user()
-        logging.debug("Installing ssh keys")
-        self.install_authorized_keys()
-        logging.debug("Copy host settings")
-        self.copy_settings()
-        logging.debug("Making sure system is up-to-date")
-        self.update()
-        logging.debug("Setting up final sources.list")
-        self.install_sources_list(final=True)
-        logging.debug("Unmounting volatile lrm filesystems")
-        self.unmount_volatile()
-        logging.debug("Unpreventing daemons from starting")
-        self.unprevent_daemons_starting()
-    def update(self):
-        self.run_in_target('apt-get', '-y', '--force-yes', 'dist-upgrade',
-                           env={ 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' : 'noninteractive' })
-    def install_authorized_keys(self):
-        if self.vm.ssh_key:
-            os.mkdir('%s/root/.ssh' % self.destdir, 0700)
-            shutil.copy(self.vm.ssh_key, '%s/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' % self.destdir)
-            os.chmod('%s/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' % self.destdir, 0644)
-        if self.vm.ssh_user_key:
-            os.mkdir('%s/home/%s/.ssh' % (self.destdir, self.vm.user), 0700)
-            shutil.copy(self.vm.ssh_user_key, '%s/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % (self.destdir, self.vm.user))
-            os.chmod('%s/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % (self.destdir, self.vm.user), 0644)
-            self.run_in_target('chown', '-R', '%s:%s' % (self.vm.user,)*2, '/home/%s/.ssh/' % (self.vm.user)) 
-        if self.vm.ssh_user_key or self.vm.ssh_key:
-            if not self.vm.addpkg:
-                self.vm.addpkg = []
-            self.vm.addpkg += ['openssh-server']
-    def update_passwords(self):
-        # Set the user password, using md5
-        self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-m', stdin=('%s:%s\n' % (self.vm.user, getattr(self.vm, 'pass'))))
-        # Lock root account only if we didn't set the root password
-        if self.vm.rootpass:
-            self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-m', stdin=('%s:%s\n' % ('root', self.vm.rootpass)))
-        else:
-            self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-e', stdin='root:!\n')
-    def create_initial_user(self):
-        self.run_in_target('adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', self.vm.name, self.vm.user)
-        self.run_in_target('addgroup', '--system', 'admin')
-        self.run_in_target('adduser', self.vm.user, 'admin')
-        self.install_from_template('/etc/sudoers', 'sudoers')
-        for group in ['adm', 'audio', 'cdrom', 'dialout', 'floppy', 'video', 'plugdev', 'dip', 'netdev', 'powerdev', 'lpadmin', 'scanner']:
-            self.run_in_target('adduser', self.vm.user, group, ignore_fail=True)
-        self.update_passwords()
-    def kernel_name(self):
-        return 'linux-image-%s' % (self.vm.flavour or self.default_flavour[self.vm.arch],)
-    def config_network(self):
-        self.vm.install_file('/etc/hostname', self.vm.hostname)
-        self.install_from_template('/etc/hosts', 'etc_hosts', { 'hostname' : self.vm.hostname, 'domain' : self.vm.domain }) 
-        self.install_from_template('/etc/network/interfaces', 'interfaces')
-    def unprevent_daemons_starting(self):
-        os.unlink('%s/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d' % self.destdir)
-    def prevent_daemons_starting(self):
-        os.chmod(self.install_from_template('/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d', 'nostart-policy-rc.d'), 0755)
-    def install_extras(self):
-        if not self.vm.addpkg and not self.vm.removepkg:
-            return
-        cmd = ['apt-get', 'install', '-y', '--force-yes']
-        cmd += self.vm.addpkg or []
-        cmd += ['%s-' % pkg for pkg in self.vm.removepkg or []]
-        self.run_in_target(env={ 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' : 'noninteractive' }, *cmd)
-    def unmount_volatile(self):
-        for mntpnt in glob.glob('%s/lib/modules/*/volatile' % self.destdir):
-            logging.debug("Unmounting %s" % mntpnt)
-            run_cmd('umount', mntpnt)
-    def install_menu_lst(self):
-        run_cmd('mount', '--bind', '/dev', '%s/dev' % self.destdir)
-        self.vm.add_clean_cmd('umount', '%s/dev' % self.destdir, ignore_fail=True)
-        self.run_in_target('mount', '-t', 'proc', 'proc', '/proc')
-        self.vm.add_clean_cmd('umount', '%s/proc' % self.destdir, ignore_fail=True)
-        self.run_in_target(self.updategrub, '-y')
-        self.mangle_grub_menu_lst()
-        self.run_in_target(self.updategrub)
-        self.run_in_target('grub-set-default', '0')
-        run_cmd('umount', '%s/dev' % self.destdir)
-        run_cmd('umount', '%s/proc' % self.destdir)
-    def mangle_grub_menu_lst(self):
-        bootdev = disk.bootpart(self.vm.disks)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# kopt=root=\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/# kopt=root=\/dev\/hd%s%d\\2/g' % (bootdev.disk.devletters(), bootdev.get_index()+1), '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# groot.*/# groot %s/g' % bootdev.get_grub_id(), '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', '/^# kopt_2_6/ d', '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-    def install_sources_list(self, final=False):
-        if final:
-            mirror, updates_mirror, security_mirror = self.vm.mirror, self.vm.mirror, self.vm.security_mirror
-        else:
-            mirror, updates_mirror, security_mirror = self.install_mirrors()
-        self.install_from_template('/etc/apt/sources.list', 'sources.list', { 'mirror' : mirror, 'security_mirror' : security_mirror, 'updates_mirror' : updates_mirror })
-        # If setting up the final mirror, allow apt-get update to fail
-        # (since we might be on a complete different network than the
-        # final vm is going to be on).
-        self.run_in_target('apt-get', 'update', ignore_fail=final)
-    def install_apt_proxy(self):
-        if self.vm.proxy is not None:
-            self.vm.install_file('/etc/apt/apt.conf', '// Proxy added by vmbuilder\nAcquire::http { Proxy "%s"; };' % self.vm.proxy)
-    def install_fstab(self):
-        if self.vm.hypervisor.preferred_storage == VMBuilder.hypervisor.STORAGE_FS_IMAGE:
-            self.install_from_template('/etc/fstab', 'dapper_fstab_fsimage', { 'fss' : disk.get_ordered_filesystems(self.vm), 'prefix' : self.disk_prefix })
-        else:
-            self.install_from_template('/etc/fstab', 'dapper_fstab', { 'parts' : disk.get_ordered_partitions(self.vm.disks), 'prefix' : self.disk_prefix })
-    def install_device_map(self):
-        self.install_from_template('/boot/grub/device.map', 'devicemap', { 'prefix' : self.disk_prefix })
-    def debootstrap(self):
-        cmd = ['/usr/sbin/debootstrap', '--arch=%s' % self.vm.arch]
-        if self.vm.variant:
-            cmd += ['--variant=%s' % self.vm.variant]
-        cmd += [self.vm.suite, self.destdir, self.debootstrap_mirror()]
-        kwargs = { 'env' : { 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND' : 'noninteractive' } }
-        if self.vm.proxy:
-            kwargs['env']['http_proxy'] = self.vm.proxy
-        run_cmd(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def debootstrap_mirror(self):
-        if self.vm.iso:
-            isodir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-            self.vm.add_clean_cb(lambda:os.rmdir(isodir))
-            run_cmd('mount', '-o', 'loop', '-t', 'iso9660', self.vm.iso, isodir)
-            self.vm.add_clean_cmd('umount', isodir)
-            self.iso_mounted = True
-            return 'file://%s' % isodir
-        else:
-            return self.install_mirrors()[0]
-    def install_mirrors(self):
-        if self.vm.iso:
-            mirror = "file:///isomnt"
-        elif self.vm.install_mirror:
-            mirror = self.vm.install_mirror
-        else:
-            mirror = self.vm.mirror
-        if self.vm.install_mirror:
-            updates_mirror = self.vm.install_mirror
-        else:
-            updates_mirror = self.vm.mirror
-        if self.vm.install_security_mirror:
-            security_mirror = self.vm.install_security_mirror
-        else:
-            security_mirror = self.vm.security_mirror
-        return (mirror, updates_mirror, security_mirror)
-    def install_kernel(self):
-        self.install_from_template('/etc/kernel-img.conf', 'kernelimg', { 'updategrub' : self.updategrub }) 
-        run_cmd('chroot', self.destdir, 'apt-get', '--force-yes', '-y', 'install', self.kernel_name(), 'grub')
-    def install_grub(self):
-        self.run_in_target('apt-get', '--force-yes', '-y', 'install', 'grub')
-        run_cmd('cp', '-a', '%s%s/%s/' % (self.destdir, self.grubroot, self.vm.arch == 'amd64' and 'x86_64-pc' or 'i386-pc'), '%s/boot/grub' % self.destdir) 
-    def create_devices(self):
-        import VMBuilder.plugins.xen
-        if isinstance(self.vm.hypervisor, VMBuilder.plugins.xen.Xen):
-            self.run_in_target('mknod', '/dev/xvda', 'b', '202', '0')
-            self.run_in_target('mknod', '/dev/xvda1', 'b', '202', '1')
-            self.run_in_target('mknod', '/dev/xvda2', 'b', '202', '2')
-            self.run_in_target('mknod', '/dev/xvda3', 'b', '202', '3')
-            self.run_in_target('mknod', '/dev/xvc0', 'c', '204', '191')
-    def install_from_template(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.vm.distro.install_from_template(*args, **kwargs)
-    def run_in_target(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.vm.distro.run_in_target(*args, **kwargs)
-    def copy_to_target(self, infile, destpath):
-        logging.debug("Copying %s on host to %s in guest" % (infile, destpath))
-        dir = '%s/%s' % (self.destdir, os.path.dirname(destpath))
-        if not os.path.isdir(dir):
-            os.makedirs(dir)
-        if os.path.isdir(infile):
-            shutil.copytree(infile, '%s/%s' % (self.destdir, destpath))
-        else:
-            shutil.copy(infile, '%s/%s' % (self.destdir, destpath))
-    def post_mount(self, fs):
-        if fs.mntpnt == '/':
-            logging.debug("Creating /var/run in root filesystem")
-            os.makedirs('%s/var/run' % fs.mntpath)
-            logging.debug("Creating /var/lock in root filesystem")
-            os.makedirs('%s/var/lock' % fs.mntpath)
-    def copy_settings(self):
-        self.copy_to_target('/etc/default/locale', '/etc/default/locale')
-        self.copy_to_target('/etc/timezone', '/etc/timezone')
-        self.run_in_target('dpkg-reconfigure', '-fnoninteractive', '-pcritical', 'libc6')
-        self.run_in_target('locale-gen', 'en_US')
-        if self.vm.lang:
-            self.run_in_target('locale-gen', self.vm.lang)
-            self.install_from_template('/etc/default/locale', 'locale', { 'lang' : self.vm.lang })
-        self.run_in_target('dpkg-reconfigure', '-fnoninteractive', '-pcritical', 'locales')
-        self.run_in_target('dpkg-reconfigure', '-pcritical', 'locales')
-    def install_vmbuilder_log(self, logfile, rootdir):
-        shutil.copy(logfile, '%s/var/log/vmbuilder-install.log' % (rootdir,))
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/intrepid.py b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/intrepid.py
index fc648d7..543afca 100644
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/intrepid.py
+++ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/intrepid.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class Intrepid(Hardy):
         run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# kopt=root=\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/# kopt=root=UUID=%s\\2/g' % bootdev.fs.uuid, '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
         run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# groot.*/# groot=%s/g' % bootdev.fs.uuid, '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
         run_cmd('sed', '-ie', '/^# kopt_2_6/ d', '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
     def install_xen_kernel(self):
 	import VMBuilder.plugins.xen
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/jaunty.py~ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/jaunty.py~
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d368fd..0000000
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/jaunty.py~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#    Uncomplicated VM Builder
-#    Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Canonical Ltd.
-#    See AUTHORS for list of contributors
-#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#    (at your option) any later version.
-#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#    GNU General Public License for more details.
-#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import logging
-import VMBuilder.disk as disk
-import VMBuilder.suite as suite
-from   VMBuilder.util import run_cmd
-from   VMBuilder.plugins.ubuntu.intrepid import Intrepid
-class Jaunty(Intrepid):
-    xen_kernel_flavour = 'server'
-    def mangle_grub_menu_lst(self):
-        bootdev = disk.bootpart(self.vm.disks)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# kopt=root=\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/# kopt=root=UUID=%s\\2/g' % bootdev.fs.uuid, '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', 's/^# groot.*/# groot=%s/g' % bootdev.fs.uuid, '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-        run_cmd('sed', '-ie', '/^# kopt_2_6/ d', '%s/boot/grub/menu.lst' % self.destdir)
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/jaunty.py
-    def update_passwords(self):
-        # Set the user password, using using defaults from /etc/login.defs (ie, no need to specify '-m')
-        self.run_in_target('chpasswd', stdin=('%s:%s\n' % (self.vm.user, getattr(self.vm, 'pass'))))
-        # Lock root account only if we didn't set the root password
-        if self.vm.rootpass:
-            self.run_in_target('chpasswd', stdin=('%s:%s\n' % ('root', self.vm.rootpass)))
-        else:
-            self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-e', stdin='root:!\n')
-    def install_xen_kernel(self):
-	import VMBuilder.plugins.xen
-  	if isinstance(self.vm.hypervisor, VMBuilder.plugins.xen.Xen):
-	    logging.info('Skipping Xen kernel installation.')
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_ec2_patches:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/jaunty.py

Tool for creating VM images.

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