[Pkg-escience-soc2009] [SCM] Tool for creating VM images. branch, master, updated. 72c8e53f3bf6d06b31972668eefa7747148aeefd
David Wendt
dcrkid at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 18 22:03:22 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d20945b6e0e2ba8fe1ab17e1f1a818030a7211dc
Author: David Wendt <dcrkid at yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Jun 18 17:47:01 2009 -0400
Oh man, I can't believe I forgot to fix the edit conflicts in these files!
I blindly added them as resolved!
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py b/VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
index 56119a7..598839a 100644
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
+++ b/VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
# Uncomplicated VM Builder
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Canonical Ltd.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Bernd Zeimetz <bzed at debian.org>
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Canonical Ltd.
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Bernd Zeimetz <bzed at debian.org>
# See AUTHORS for list of contributors
@@ -28,10 +24,7 @@ import sys
import textwrap
import VMBuilder
from VMBuilder.disk import parse_size
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
import VMBuilder.hypervisor
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/cli/__init__.py
_ = gettext
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py b/VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
index f22faeb..5930138 100644
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
+++ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
@@ -63,19 +63,6 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
if not self.vm.ec2_name:
raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must supply the name for the image.')
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
- if not self.vm.ec2_cert:
- if "EC2_CERT" in os.environ:
- self.vm.ec2_cert = os.environ["EC2_CERT"]
- else:
- raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide your PEM encoded public key certificate')
- if not self.vm.ec2_key:
- if "EC2_PRIVATE_KEY" in os.environ:
- self.vm.ec2_key = os.environ["EC2_PRIVATE_KEY"]
- else:
- raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide your PEM encoded private key file')
if not self.vm.ec2_cert:
if "EC2_CERT" in os.environ:
self.vm.ec2_cert = os.environ["EC2_CERT"]
@@ -87,54 +74,10 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
self.vm.ec2_key = os.environ["EC2_PRIVATE_KEY"]
raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide your PEM encoded private key file')
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
if not self.vm.ec2_user:
raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide your EC2 user ID (your AWS account number, not your AWS access key ID)')
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
- if not self.vm.ec2_kernel:
- logging.debug('No ec2-aki choosen setting to default. Use --ec2-kernel to change this')
- if self.vm.suite == 'hardy':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-6f709706'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-6e709707'
- elif self.vm.suite == 'intrepid':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-4f4daa26'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-714daa18'
- elif self.vm.suite == 'jaunty':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-6507e00c'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_kernel = 'aki-6407e00d'
- logging.info('%s - AKI to be used.' %(self.vm.ec2_kernel))
- logging.info('WARNING! You might be using an outdated AKI. Please check xxx')
- if not self.vm.ec2_ramdisk:
- logging.debug('No ec2-ari choosen setting to default. Use --ec2-ramdisk to change this.')
- if self.vm.suite == 'hardy':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-61709708'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-6c709705'
- elif self.vm.suite == 'intrepid':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-4c4daa25'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-7e4daa17'
- elif self.vm.suite == 'jaunty':
- if self.vm.arch == 'amd64':
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-6307e00a'
- else:
- self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = 'ari-6207e00b'
- logging .info('%s - ARI to be used.'%(self.vm.ec2_ramdisk))
- logging.info('WARNING! You might be using an outdated AKI. Please check xxx')
if not self.vm.ec2_kernel:
self.vm.ec2_kernel = self.vm.distro.get_ec2_kernel()
logging.debug('%s - to be used for AKI.' %(self.vm.ec2_kernel))
@@ -142,7 +85,6 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
if not self.vm.ec2_ramdisk:
self.vm.ec2_ramdisk = self.vm.distro.ec2_ramdisk_id()
logging.debug('%s - to be use for the ARI.' %(self.vm.ec2_ramdisk))
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
if self.vm.ec2_upload:
if not self.vm.ec2_bucket:
@@ -154,16 +96,6 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
if not self.vm.ec2_secret_key:
raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide your AWS secret access key.')
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
- logging.info('Installing common software')
- self.install_common()
- if self.vm.suite == 'hardy':
- self.install_hardy()
- elif self.vm.suite == 'intrepid':
- self.install_intrepid()
- elif self.vm.suite == 'jaunty':
- self.install_jaunty()
if not self.vm.ec2_version:
raise VMBuilderUserError('When building for EC2 you must provide version info.')
@@ -185,49 +117,25 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
self.vm.ppa = []
self.vm.ppa += ['ubuntu-on-ec2/ppa']
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
def post_install(self):
if not getattr(self.vm, 'ec2', False):
logging.info("Running ec2 postinstall")
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
- logging.info("Running common post install")
- if self.vm.suite == 'hardy':
- self.postinstall_hardy()
- elif self.vm.suite == 'intrepid':
- self.postinstall_intrepid()
- elif self.vm.suite == 'jaunty':
- self.postinstall_jaunty()
- self.postinstall_common()
- def deploy(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info("Building EC2 bundle")
- bundle_cmdline = ['ec2-bundle-image', '--image', self.vm.filesystems[0].filename, '--cert', self.vm.ec2_cert, '--privatekey', self.vm.ec2_key, '--user', self.vm.ec2_user, '--prefix', self.vm.ec2_name, '-r', ['i386', 'x86_64'][self.vm.arch == 'amd64'], '-d', self.vm.workdir, '--kernel', self.vm.ec2_kernel, '--ramdisk', self.vm.ec2_ramdisk]
self.install_from_template('/etc/ec2_version', 'ec2_version', { 'version' : self.vm.ec2_version } )
self.install_from_template('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'sshd_config')
self.install_from_template('/etc/sudoers', 'sudoers')
if self.vm.ec2_landscape:
self.install_from_template('/etc/default/landscape-client', 'landscape_client')
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
- logging.info("Uploading EC2 bundle")
- upload_cmdline = ['ec2-upload-bundle', '--retry', '--manifest', '%s/%s.manifest.xml' % (self.vm.workdir, self.vm.ec2_name), '--bucket', self.vm.ec2_bucket, '--access-key', self.vm.ec2_access_key, '--secret-key', self.vm.ec2_secret_key]
- run_cmd(*upload_cmdline)
def deploy(self):
if not getattr(self.vm, 'ec2', False):
return False
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ec2/__init__.py
if self.vm.ec2_bundle:
logging.info("Building EC2 bundle")
@@ -251,111 +159,4 @@ class EC2(Plugin):
return True
- def install_common(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- if not self.vm.addpkg:
- self.vm.addpkg = []
- logging.info('Installing common software.')
- self.vm.addpkg += ['openssh-server',
- 'ec2-init',
- 'standard^',
- 'ec2-ami-tools',
- 'update-motd',
- 'curl',
- 'screen',
- 'screen-profiles']
- if not self.vm.ppa:
- self.vm.ppa = []
- self.vm.ppa += ['ubuntu-on-ec2']
- def install_hardy(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Installing software for hardy.')
- self.vm.addpkg += ['ruby',
- 'libc6-xen',
- 'ec2-modules',
- 'libopenssl-ruby',
- 'landscape-common',
- 'landscape-client']
- def postinstall_hardy(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Running post-install for hardy')
- # work around for libc6/xen bug in hardy.
- self.install_from_template('/etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc6-xen.conf', 'xen-ld-so-conf')
- self.run_in_target('apt-get', 'remove', '-y', 'libc6-i686')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/update-motd.d/51_update-motd', '51_update-motd-hardy')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/event.d/xvc0', 'xvc0')
- self.run_in_target('update-rc.d', '-f', 'hwclockfirst.sh', 'remove')
- def install_intrepid(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Installing software for intrepid')
- self.vm.addpkg += ['ec2-modules',
- 'ruby',
- 'libopenssl-ruby',
- 'server^',
- 'policykit',
- 'landscape-common',
- 'landscape-client']
- def postinstall_intrepid(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Running post-install for intrepid')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/update-motd.d/51_update-motd', '51_update-motd-intrepid')
- def install_jaunty(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Installing software for jaunty')
- self.vm.addpkg += ['ec2-modules',
- 'ruby1.8',
- 'server^',
- 'libopenssl-ruby1.8']
- def postinall_jaunty(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Running post-install for jaunty')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/update-motd.d/51_update-motd', '51_update-motd-intrepid')
- def postinstall_common(self):
- if not self.vm.ec2:
- return False
- logging.info('Running common post-install')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', 'sshd_config')
- self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-e', stdin='ubuntu:!\n')
- # this makes my skin crawl
- self.install_from_template('/etc/sudoers', 'sudoers')
- # this doesnt
- self.run_in_target('chmod', '755', '/etc/update-motd.d/51_update-motd')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/ec2_version', 'ec2_version', { 'version' : self.vm.ec2_version })
- self.run_in_target('rm', '-f', '/etc/localtime')
- self.run_in_target('ln', '-s', '/usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC', '/etc/localtime')
- self.run_in_target('usermod', '-u', '135', 'ubuntu')
- self.run_in_target('chown', '-R', 'ubuntu', '/home/ubuntu')
- self.run_in_target('update-rc.d', '-f', 'hwclock.sh', 'remove')
- self.install_from_template('/etc/default/landscape-client', 'landscape_client')
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
index 912e476..7c6887b 100644
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
+++ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
@@ -142,10 +142,6 @@ class Dapper(suite.Suite):
self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-e', stdin='root:!\n')
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
- def create_initial_user(self):
- self.run_in_target('adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', self.vm.name, self.vm.user)
if self.vm.lock_user:
logging.info('Locking %s' %(self.vm.user))
self.run_in_target('chpasswd', '-e', stdin=('%s:!\n' %(self.vm.user)))
@@ -155,7 +151,7 @@ class Dapper(suite.Suite):
self.run_in_target('adduser', '--disabled-password', '--uid', self.vm.uid, '--gecos', self.vm.name, self.vm.user)
self.run_in_target('adduser', '--disabled-password', '--gecos', self.vm.name, self.vm.user)
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
self.run_in_target('addgroup', '--system', 'admin')
self.run_in_target('adduser', self.vm.user, 'admin')
@@ -334,8 +330,6 @@ class Dapper(suite.Suite):
def install_vmbuilder_log(self, logfile, rootdir):
shutil.copy(logfile, '%s/var/log/vmbuilder-install.log' % (rootdir,))
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
def set_timezone(self):
if self.vm.timezone:
@@ -351,4 +345,3 @@ class Dapper(suite.Suite):
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/dapper.py
diff --git a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py
index 95ec85e..7bb874a 100644
--- a/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py
+++ b/VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py
@@ -138,13 +138,10 @@ class Ubuntu(Distro):
msg = "locale-gen does not recognize your locale '%s'" % self.vm.lang
raise VMBuilderUserError(msg)
-<<<<<<< HEAD:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py
if self.vm.ec2:
->>>>>>> vmbuilder_trunk:VMBuilder/plugins/ubuntu/distro.py
def install(self, destdir):
self.destdir = destdir
Tool for creating VM images.
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