[Pkg-escience-soc2009] [SCM] Tool for creating VM images. annotated tag, gsoc-2009-final, created. gsoc-2009-final

David Wendt dcrkid at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 30 00:10:21 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, gsoc-2009-final has been created
        at  19ed6f7969b4e9dec614393b8c4c16d6e841ed1f (tag)
   tagging  562fae8bd08b80d327d68521d4a3033758bf23da (commit)
 tagged by  David Wendt (kmeisthax)
        on  Fri Jan 29 18:35:10 2010 -0500

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
This is the final state of Google Summer of Code 2009 work as submitted to Google for tax purposes. \nThis is, obviously, being put here since I need to fix package breakage.

David Wendt (34):
      Initial commit of VMbuilder to debian git
      Another source trunk, obtained from bzr lp:~bzed/vmbuilder/debian
      An extra commit, to remove the files that aren't in this bzr source branch.
      Merging the VMbuilder Debian patches (bzed_vmbuilder_debian) with the current VMbuilder trunk (vmbuilder_trunk)
      Adding the EC2 building functionality patches to the Git archive.
      Merging in EC2 builder patches. Edit conflicts fixed; nothing major.
      VMBuilder 0.11 - now with EC2 patches and everything else you could want except Debian support
      Merging in the new VMbuilder 0.11 trunk release. EC2 support is now moved to plugins, amoung other things. Also Canonical changed the license from GPLv3 + "any later version" to just GPLv3.
      Extra minor commit to remove .py~ files from the "Changed but not updated" list
      Synching git branch with remote bzr branch.
      Fixed debian/distro.py xen_kernel_version so that it can find Xen kernels on Debian
      Oh man, I can't believe I forgot to fix the edit conflicts in these files!
      Merge branch 'dwendt_vmbuilder_debian'.
      New bzr branch ~ckaenzig/+junk/lenny being ported in at branch ckaenzig_junk_lenny, this is revision r346 branched off from lp:~bzed/vmbuilder/debian at revision r344.
      Merge branch 'ckaenzig_junk_lenny'
      VMbuilder-ec2 can now use Amazon EC2 tools or Euca2ools.
      Changed Debian's logging to report the proper selected kernel under Xen
      A bunch of changes:
      Added --ec2_url to allow registering images on Eucalyptus
      Fixed device creation for lenny - added functions bind_ and unbind_system_devices. These will place the system's /dev, /dev/pts, and /proc into the in-progress image via mount --bind, and unbind does the opposite. These will be automatically unbound during cleanup.
      epic syntax fail fixed
      hey, another thing I screwed up!
      tonight on alioth git: david fails at python
      added --pause-on-failure debugging option, which pauses 10 secs when an exception occurs if enabled with the flag.
      Patch by Cedric Jeanneret <cedric.jeanneret at camptocamp.com>:
      Patch by Cedric Jeanneret <cedric.jeanneret at camptocamp.com>:
      Fix to the pause-on-failure that ensures that the patch to pause before umounting devices doesn't fail with python complaining that time hasn't been imported yet
      Fixed Lenny's kernel flavor (should be xen, not server)
      Fixed the 'Xen kernel default' info notice for Debian
      Made logging messages more descriptive.
      A bunch of work on stuff. Now have a working means to build EKI/ERI.
      fixed the kernel installation - we now grab a kernel even if we don't use a bootloader
      A CRAPLOAD of changes, all of them me fixing up this automagically-make-us-kernels code.
      Fixes to registration to use the proper URL, so that registration works properly for eki/eri

Steffen Moeller (26):
      Completed debian directory for dpkg-buildpackage
      Filling ubuntu-vm-builder package with content.
      debian-keyring to substitute ubuntu-keyring as dep
      Introduced debian-vm-builder package.
      Adding targets to clean.
      Placeholder/reminder for README.Debian file.
      Added upstream's URL besides David's page.
      Added Python dependencies (to satisfy lintian)
      Man page for Debian VMbuilder
      dh_prep or dh_clean seem to have removed files.
      Added check if partition was truly created.
      Ensuring compatibility with latest parted
      Testing for existence of non-essential files
      Pointed out problem with OSE variant of VirtualBox
      Following my own call to fix vbox deployment script.
      Added "see also" to debian/ubuntu man pages.
      Integrate Debian-bits into man page.
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://moeller@git.debian.org/git/pkg-escience/vmbuilder
      First obvious round of fixes on vm_deploy_script
      Correction to completely ignore existing drives.
      Apparent accident repaired.
      Final fix of the vm_deply_script.tmpl
      Fixed assignment of hd0,0 as root device
      Merge branch 'vbox'
      \(\) to () to repair root specification

root (1):
      Added install_ec2 to debian/etch.py


Tool for creating VM images.

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