[pkg-eucalyptus-maintainers] More GWT developments

Steffen Möller steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Wed Aug 29 15:17:30 UTC 2012

On 08/29/2012 11:06 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:
> Brian Thomason:
>> It looks like Chris is out of town at the moment so I don't have any update
>> on the GWT bug that was filed, but I did manage to get some packaging done
>> for guava-gwt bindings (which also needed the packaging of libtruth) and
>> placed them in the pkg-eucalyptus svn.  guava is currently maintained in
>> the pkg-java svn but does not include the GWT bindings (as GWT wasn't
>> available until very recently) so I added it to the pkg-eucalyptus svn so
>> as to not step on any packaging toes there.
> I could not find anything guava related at the pkg-java svn[1].
It is in pkg-eucalyptus. I just uploaded libtruth and hope for its smooth
transition to unstable. I was a bit surprised by its rather oldish version 0.7.
Well, you are the ones to update :o)

> The Guava 
> overview site links to a Git repo[2]. Would you mind to also use Git? SVN is 
> just a major pita.

I just deleted a strong statement here in defense of subversion for
packaging (not real developing) ... s/grumpy//.

> [1] http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-java/trunk
> [2] http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/guava-libraries.html
>> Thomas, do you think you could sponsor libtruth and the guava updates and
>> then merge my changes over into pkg-java?  I'm going to check tomorrow to
>> see if the new guava breaks Eucalyptus or not (the transition from 9.0 ->
>> 11.0.2 did) and report back.
> I'm not a Debian Developer (yet...), just a Maintainer, so I can't sponsor 
> anything.


>> One thing to note on the packaging:  it should be fairly complete aside
>> from the get-orig-source target.  IIUC, this is used by uscan on watchfiles
>> and does not support fetching from revision control systems?  The only way
>> I know to obtain the source for truth is:
> The get-orig-source target is optional, not required. I've not yet taken the 
> time to learn a lot about it since I'm still capable of keeping an overview 
> about my few packages without it.

That is a very worthwhile investment and may influence your thinking on svn vs git for packaging.

For Guava I'll wait for another email instructing me that I should indeed upload what is in pkg-eucalyptus. It is nothing you want
to interfere with Wheezy, is it? This would then require an upload to experimental rather then unstable since there is a guava
package in unstable already. libtrust is evident as a new package not to migrate, hence I just uploaded it to unstable.



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