[Evolution] Bug#286868: evolution: Evolution crashes when trying to
save an isolated OpenPGP signature
Daniel Leidert
daniel.leidert.spam at gmx.net
Mon Apr 24 12:56:03 UTC 2006
Am Mittwoch, den 05.04.2006, 11:11 +0200 schrieb Øystein Gisnås:
> > Evolution (sometimes) shows a PGP signature as "isolated OpenPGP signature"
> > (signatures which cannot be verified). If I then try to save this signature,
> > evolution crashes.
> >
> > The backtrace will follow in some minutes.
> Do you still see this with the latest version of evolution? Can you
> provide an email with this kind of signature?
I still see this issue. But it is really hard to reproduce. The mails,
which cause this are normal signed mails. So you can try to use almost
every signed mail from any debian mailing-list (or whatever lists you
read or mails you get). Now how to try to reproduce the behaviour:
During a cpu-intensive system-time (I e.g. run a local mail-server on my
machine with several filters, which needs cpu), go mail-for-mail in a
list of unread mails and just click on them. Hopefully it will need a
few seconds to mark the mail as "read". In the case of a signed mail,
during this "hang" time, evolution shows a red error message "Error
trying to verify signature" (or similar, I use German locale) at the
bottom of the header field and it further offers the possibility to save
an attachement (what I called, the isolated signature, but atm it does
not longer explicitly show this filetype). Trying to save this
attachement makes evolution crash. After the "hang" time, evolution does
not offer this possibility and instead shows the well-known red, yellow
or green GPG-footer.
PS: It may help to specify the auto-key-retrieve value for the
keyserver-options option in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf using a slow keyserver (to
provoke a "hang" time).
But to be honest: It's even hard for me to reproduce the bug-situation.
In the past, when I wrote the report, it was quite easier. I will try to
make a backtrace.
Regards, Daniel
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