[Evolution] evolution 2.22

Øystein Gisnås oystein at gisnas.net
Thu Apr 10 09:20:57 UTC 2008


Thanks for the nice feedback! I'd like to direct the praise to Heikki
who has done most of the work for the 2.22 release. We're glad you
enjoy Evolution!

Any feedback about what's good, what's bad and how we can do things
better is always appreciated!


2008/4/10, Paul Wise <pabs at debian.org>:
> Hi all,
>  evolution 2.22 is quite a bit speedier and has a generally nicer UI,
>  thanks for getting it into Debian so quickly!
>  --
>  bye,
>  pabs
>  http://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise

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