[Evolution] Flocks, and where, even preceding them, wil

Rountree hiding at devalkreusel.nl
Wed Jan 6 15:48:51 UTC 2010

Uggested the conception of a past during which there have been
successive Evolutions analogous to that which is now going on; a future
during which successive other Evolutions may go on--ever the same in
principle but never the same in concrete result_." That is it--the most
we know--alternate eras of evolution and dissolution. In the past there
have been other evolutions similar to that one in which we live, and in
the future there may be other similar evolutions--that is all. The
principle of all these evolutions remains, but the concrete results are
never twice alike. Man was not; he was; and again he will not be. In
eternity which is beyond our comprehension, the particular evolution of
that solar satellite we call the "Earth" occupied but a slight fraction
of time. And of that fraction of time man occupies but a small portion.
All the whole human drift, from the first ape-man to the last savant, is
but a phantom, a flash of light and a flutter of movement across the
infinite face of the starry night. When the thermometer drops, man
ceases--with all his lusts and wrestlings and 
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