[Evolution] Employment Resources Workshop for probationary services in London on May 30th 2011
mail at labourplus.com
Wed Apr 27 14:19:24 UTC 2011
Dear Probation Officers,
Officers involved in helping ex-offenders back into employment are invited to attend an employment resources workshop on Monday 30th May 2011 held at Employment Programs, Grosvenor Gardens House, 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens, Belgravia, London SW1W OBS, near Buckingham Palace.
The aim of this workshop is to provide the best tools and resources to help people find jobs.
The workshop will cover -
• JOB ADVERTS : ways to search hundreds of job sites with a single click
• JOB AGENCIES : how to find all the local recruitment agencies within a geographical area and display them on a route map, so clients can register themselves quickly with all the local agencies.
• WORK EXPERIENCE : 2 easy ways to find work experience for your clients including
o cold calling by telephone – a systematic and targeted approach
o the LabourPlus system – A Job Centre approved scheme for employers to find the CVs of people seeking work experience.
• SELF EMPLOYMENT : For those interested in self employment, the workshop will also cover –
o Finding financial support for self employment
o creating business cards
o creating a web site in 20 minutes
o creating a sales presentation folder
o Ideas Board - exploring ideas and recipes for self employment that have a successful track record.
Each of these resources can increase the number of job outcomes achieved by clients during any job search session.
For clients who have been made redundant from the public sector and wish to move to the private sector, this workshop will be of great value
The workshop lasts approximately 2 hour from 12am till 2pm. We suggest that delegates arrive 15 minutes early for registration and refreshments.
Attendance at the workshop is free for job coaches and other employment professionals. Refreshments will be provided, and this will be an opportunity to network with other organizations. All attendees will be provided with free use of the Job Tool Box software during the workshop.
To book a place on this special workshop, please complete the online form here - http://www.workandlearning.net/register.aspx
This event is sponsored by LabourPlus.com, Employment Programs and Job Centre Plus.
If you wish to speak with the workshop presenters before booking a place, then please phone Craig on 0207 795 0575 or 07975 866 810
Thank you from the Employment Program Team.
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