No subject

Mon Mar 21 21:14:43 UTC 2011

duce myself to you. I am 21Years Old Girl from  (COTE D' IVOIRE WEST AFRI=
CA),the only Daughter of Houphouet, My father is now late,I am contacting=
 you now is to seek your assistance in Claiming This fund (US5.7 Million =
dollars) was deposited in a private security company outside my country i=
n (REPUBLIC OF GHANA) a year ago by my father he made me the sole benefic=
iary. I am now asking you to stand on my behalf, to stand as my partner a=
nd in time of the claim and investment as well. Please email me with my p=
rivate email:  nearrah2009 at<br>
Best Regards<br>
Nearra Houphouet.<br>
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