[Evolution] Bug#591950: in Evolution

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Tue Oct 4 09:29:24 UTC 2011


* François Jortay <fran at franjor.net> [2011-09-29 14:39:35 CEST]:
> Annoying Bug#591950 in Evolution is fixed in the  2.32.2-1 version.
> (source : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591950 )
> But there is still nothing about it in :
> http://packages.debian.org/en/squeeze-backports/mail ...

 That is because backports is not about getting bugfixes available but
about getting new features available.

 If the bug is annoying and the fix is easy, this is something that
should get addressed directly in squeeze and not be worked around
through a squeeze-backports upload, which would be an abuse of the
service (if only done for that purpose).

 Looking at the referenced commit that is meant to fix the bug getting
it into squeeze directly shouldn't be much of a magic or objection from
the release team (IMHO, I'm not part of the release team so they could
have a different view on this than me):

 Thanks for understanding, and I hope the package maintainers pick up
the hint.

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