[Pkg-exppsy-maintainers] pymvpa manual
Yaroslav Halchenko
debian at onerussian.com
Wed Feb 20 04:07:30 UTC 2008
Thank you very much Greg!
do you have original copy of it or may be shasum of that checkout from
git from which Per forwarded you the manual.txt? It is just that since
then few peoples modified it already and to merge your changes
it is needed to know your 'starting point'. (sorry for non-english
english... tired to think straight ;-))
BTW, git is quite easy to start working with, so for the future changes
you could do them and push directly into repository in your own branch
so we could merge it easily. Please let me or Michael know if you need
any help to get started with git -- it will be really simple after we
try out few examples. Let me actually give you general workflow for
doing changes like you've done (I believe you have already account
on alioth as a part of exppsy, if not let me know):
git clone ssh://alioth.debian.org/git/pkg-exppsy/pymvpa.git
# now you cloned whole pymvpa repository with all the branches
# that remote repository is known as 'origin'
cd pymvpa/
git checkout -b greg/master master
# now you got your local branch greg/master which started where current
# master is. Master branch is already 'tracking' origin/master... but
# you don't need to worry about that for now
vim doc/manual.txt
# or do whatever else you like to do ;)
git commit -m 'Modified manual: added clarifications etc' -a
# now you committed you changes into your local branch
git push origin greg/master
# origin is the default remote which corresponded to alioth.debian...
# so now you pushed into it your greg/master branch ;-)
Then often you would like to do
git fetch
# so it fetches all recent changes from our central repo
git checkout greg/master
# just ot make sure you are in your branch
git merge origin/master
# bring in all the changes from master branch into your 'working' branch
and do again what you want, commit, push
that is basic workflow. there is much and more of interesting things to
do, but this can get you going ;-)
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Greg Detre wrote:
> hey you guys,
> per forwarded me a copy of the pymvpa manual. i'm really impressed. it
> reads well and covers a lot of ground.
> i made a few changes here and there, and also wrote a few higher-level
> comments (denoted by 'gjd'). feel free to ignore or discard anything you
> don't like. see attached
> good luck with your release,
> g
> ---
> Greg Detre
> cell: 617 642 3902
> email: greg at gregdetre.co.uk
> web: http://www.princeton.edu/~gdetre/
> .. -*- mode: rst; fill-column: 78 -*-
> .. ex: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et tw=79:
> # See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the
> # copyright and license terms.
> PyMVPA Manual
> =============
> :Authors:
> Michael Hanke <michael.hanke at gmail.com>;
> Yaroslav O. Halchenko <debian at onerussian.com>;
> Per B. Sederberg <psederberg at gmail.com>
> Greg Detre <greg at gregdetre.co.uk>
> :Contact: pkg-exppsy-pymvpa at lists.alioth.debian.org
> :Homepage: http://pkg-exppsy.alioth.debian.org/pymvpa/
> :IRC: #exppsy on OTFC/Freenode
> :Revision: 0.1
> .. Please add yourself to the list of authors if you contribute something
> to this manual.
> The latest version of this manual is available from the `PyMVPA project
> website`_:
> * HTML: http://pkg-exppsy.alioth.debian.org/pymvpa/manual.html
> * PDF: http://pkg-exppsy.alioth.debian.org/pymvpa/files/manual.pdf
> .. _PyMVPA project website: http://pkg-exppsy.alioth.debian.org/pymvpa/
> .. meta::
> :description: The PyMVPA manual
> :keywords: python, machine learning, multivariate, neuroimaging, classification, fmri, mvpa, brain-machine interface
> .. contents:: Table of Contents
> .. sectnum::
> .. [gjd] high-level comments
> .. incorporate a standalone section on file formats and
> .. interoperability. clearly, Nifti is one, but i'm still
> .. unclear about what else PyMVPA can/can't import
> .. for us (Matlab MVPA), the tutorial_easy quickstart was an enormous
> .. success. i strongly recommend having some similar quick,
> .. hands-on guide. feel free to borrow/steal/adapt anything from
> .. tutorial_easy for your needs if you like it (though you should probably
> ;; check with jim before re-distributing the sample data).
> .. you dive straight into the nitty-gritty of the different
> .. kinds of datasets, attributes and other data structures. having a high-level
> .. summary of the most important points might make it easier for a new
> ;; reader to get the big
> .. picture, and makes it more likely that people who don't
> .. like documentation will at least read the most important
> .. points
> .. use more examples
> .. i know that i would personally benefit from a 'PyMVPA for
> Matlab MVPA users' section. perhaps this is something that
> per and i will end up hammering out over the next few months
> .. i'm a big fan of Howtos... it sounds like you're creating
> a collection of snippets, but maybe consider embedding them
> into the manual with a little description of what they're
> doing, alternatives etc.
> .. maybe a glossary might help. i'm starting to see how
> you're using 'samples' vs 'datasets' etc. but it would be
> nice to have a quick reference
> .. this is a really, really good start for a 0.1 release. good job!
> Introduction
> ------------
> PyMVPA is a Python_ module intended to ease pattern classification
> analysis of large datasets. It provides high-level abstraction of typical
> processing steps and a number of implementations of some popular algorithms.
> While it is not limited to neuroimaging data it is eminently suited for such
> datasets. PyMVPA is truly free software (in every respect) and additionally
> requires nothing but free software to run. Theoretically PyMVPA should run
> on anything that can run a Python_ interpreter, although the proof is yet to
> come.
> PyMVPA stands for *Multivariate Pattern Analysis* in Python_.
> .. _Python: http://www.python.org
> .. [gjd] i would explicitly mention and link to the type of license
> What this Manual is NOT
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This manual does not make an attempt to be a comprehensive introduction into
> machine learning theory or pattern recognition techniques. There is a wealth
> of high-quality text books about this field available. A very good example is:
> `Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning`_ by `Christopher M. Bishop`_.
> .. _Christopher M. Bishop: http://research.microsoft.com/~cmbishop/
> .. _Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: http://research.microsoft.com/~cmbishop/PRML
> .. [gjd] i would have thought that links to review papers on MVPA methods (Norman et al (2006), Haynes & Rees (2006)) are important too - after all PyMVPA is primarily about fMRI/MVPA, rather than machine learning in general
> This manual does not describe every bit and piece of the PyMVPA package. For
> more information, please have a look at the API documentation, which is a
> comprehensive and up-to-date description of the whole package.
> More examples and usage patterns extending the ones described here can be taken
> from the examples shipped with the PyMVPA source distribution (`doc/examples/`)
> or even the unit test battery, also part of the source distribution
> (in the `tests/` directory).
> .. [gjd] provide links to the mailing list etc. in lots of places, since that's a key piece of information that frustrated users will want
> A bit of History
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The roots of PyMVPA date back to early 2005. At that time it was a C++ library
> (no Python_ yet) developed by Michael Hanke and Sebastian Kr??ger, intended to make it easy to
> apply artificial neural networks to pattern recognition
> problems.
> During a visit to `Princeton University`_ in spring 2005, Michael Hanke
> was introduced to the `MVPA toolbox`_ for `Matlab
> <http://buchholz.hs-bremen.de/aes/aes_matlab.gif>`_, which has several advantages
> over a C++ library. Most importantly it was easier to use. While a
> user of a C++ library is forced to write a significant amount of
> front-end code, users of the MVPA toolbox could simply load their data
> and start analyzing it, providing a common interface to functions drawn from a variety of libraries.
> .. _Princeton University: http://www.princeton.edu
> .. _MVPA toolbox: http://www.csbmb.princeton.edu/mvpa/
> However, there are some disadvantages to writing a toolbox in Matlab. While users in general benefit from the powers
> of Matlab, they are at the same time bound to the goodwill of a commercial
> company. That this is indeed a problem becomes obvious when one considers the
> time when the vendor of Matlab was not willing to support the Mac platform.
> Therefore even if the MVPA toolbox is `GPL-licensed`_ it cannot fully benefit
> from the enormous advantages of the free software development model
> environment (free as in free speech, not only free beer).
> .. _GPL-licensed: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
> For these reasons, Michael thought that a successor to the C++ library
> should remain truly free software, remain fully object-oriented (in contrast
> to the MVPA toolbox), but should be at least as easy to use and extensible
> as the MVPA toolbox.
> After evaluating some possibilities Michael decided that `Python`_ is the most
> promising candidate that was fully capable of fulfilling the intended development
> goal. Python is a very powerful language that magically combines the
> possibility to write really fast code and a simplicity that allows one to learn
> the basic concepts within a few days.
> One of the major advantages of Python is the availability of a huge amount of
> so called *modules*. Modules can include extensions written in a hardcore
> language like C (or even FORTRAN) and therefore allow one to incorporate
> high-performance code without having to leave the Python
> environment. Additionally some Python modules even provide links to other
> toolkits. For example `RPy`_ allows to use the full functionality of R_ from
> inside Python. Even Matlab can be used via some Python modules (see PyMatlab_
> for an example).
> .. _RPy: http://rpy.sourceforge.net/
> .. _R: http://www.r-project.org
> .. _PyMatlab: http://code.google.com/p/pymatlab/
> After the decision for Python was made, Michael started development with a
> simple k-Nearest-Neighbour classifier and a cross-validation class. Using
> the mighty NumPy_ package made it easy to support data of any dimensionality.
> Therefore PyMVPA can easily be used with 4d fMRI dataset, but equally well
> with EEG/MEG data (3d) or even non-neuroimaging datasets.
> By September 2007 PyMVPA included support for reading and writing datasets
> from and to the `NIfTI format`_, kNN and Support Vector Machine classifiers,
> as well as several analysis algorithms (e.g. searchlight and incremental
> feature search).
> .. _NIfTI format: http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/
> During another visit in Princeton in October 2007 Michael met with `Yaroslav
> Halchenko`_ and `Per B. Sederberg`_. That incident and the following
> discussions and hacking sessions of Michael and Yaroslav lead to a major
> refactoring of the PyMVPA codebase, making it much more flexible/extensible,
> faster and easier than it has ever been before.
> .. _Yaroslav Halchenko: http://www.onerussian.com/
> .. _Per B. Sederberg: http://www.princeton.edu/~persed/
> Prerequisites
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Like every other Python module PyMVPA requires at least a basic knowledge of
> the Python language. However, if one has no prior experience with Python one
> can benefit from the simplicity of the Python language and acquire this
> knowledge within a few days by studying some of the many tutorials available
> on the web.
> .. links to good tutorials (numpy for matlab users, dive into python, ...)
> As PyMVPA is about pattern recognition a basic understanding about machine
> learning principles is necessary to correctly apply methods with PyMVPA to
> ensure interpretability of the results.
> Dependencies
> ''''''''''''
> The following software packages are required or PyMVPA will not work at all.
> Python_ 2.4 (or later)
> With some modifications PyMVPA could probably work with Python 2.3, but as
> it is quite old already and Python 2.4 is widely available there should be
> no need to do this.
> NumPy_
> PyMVPA makes extensive use of NumPy to store and handle data. There is no
> way around it.
> .. _NumPy: http://numpy.scipy.org/
> Strong Recommendations
> ''''''''''''''''''''''
> While most parts of PyMVPA will work without any additional software, some
> functionality makes use of additional software packages. It is strongly
> recommend to install these packages as well.
> SciPy_: linear algebra, standard distributions
> SciPy_ is mainly used by the statistical testing and the logistic regression classifier code.
> However, in the long run SciPy might be used a lot
> more and could become a required dependency of PyMVPA.
> libsvm_: fast SVM classifier
> Only the C library is required and none of the Python bindings are available
> on the upstream website. PyMVPA provides its own Python wrapper for libsvm
> which is a fork based on the one included in the libsvm package.
> PyNIfTI_: access to NIfTI files
> PyMVPA provides a convenient wrapper for datasets stored in the NIfTI
> format. If you don't need that, PyNIfTI is not necessary, but otherwise
> it makes it really easy to read from and write to NIfTI images.
> .. _SciPy: http://www.scipy.org/
> .. _libsvm: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/
> .. _PyNIfTI: http://niftilib.sourceforge.net/pynifti/
> Suggestions
> ''''''''''''
> The following list of software is not required by PyMVPA, but it might make
> life a lot easier and leads to more efficiency when using PyMVPA.
> IPython_: frontend
> If you want to use PyMVPA interactively it is strongly recommend to use
> IPython_. If you think: *"Oh no, not another one, I already have to learn
> about PyMVPA."* please invest a tiny bit of time to watch the `Five Minutes
> with IPython`_ screencasts at showmedo.com_, so at least you know what you
> are missing.
> FSL_: preprocessing and analysis of (f)MRI data
> PyMVPA provides some simple bindings to FSL output and filetypes (e.g. EV
> files and MELODIC output directories). This makes it fairly easy to e.g.
> use FSL's implementation of ICA for data reduction and proceed with
> analyzing the estimated ICs in PyMVPA.
> AFNI_: preprocessing and analysis of (f)MRI data
> Similar to FSL, AFNI is a free package for processing (f)MRI data.
> Though its primary data file format is BRIK files, it has the ability
> to read and write NIFTI files, which easily integrate with PyMVPA.
> .. _IPython: http://ipython.scipy.org
> .. _Five Minutes with IPython: http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=CnluURUTV
> .. _showmedo.com: http://showmedo.com
> .. _FSL: http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/
> .. _AFNI: http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/
> Obtaining PyMVPA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Binary packages
> '''''''''''''''
> Binary packages are not available yet, but will be when the first release of
> PyMVPA is available. And there will be a Debian package of course. All of the
> PyMVPA developers have sworn a solemn oath to name their first-born child 'Debian'.
> Building from Source
> ''''''''''''''''''''
> .. [gjd] point out here to naive users that they *do not* need to build from source - point to the 'binaries' section below
> Source code tarballs of PyMVPA releases are available from the `PyMVPA
> project website`_. To get access to both the full PyMVPA history and the latest
> development code the PyMVPA Git_ repository is publicly available. To view the
> repository, please point your web browser to gitweb:
> http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-exppsy/pymvpa.git
> To clone (aka checkout) the PyMVPA repository simply do::
> git clone git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-exppsy/pymvpa.git
> After a short while you will have a `pymvpa` directory below your current
> working directory, that contains the PyMVPA repository.
> .. _Git: http://git.or.cz/
> To build PyMVPA from source simply enter the root of the source tree (obtained
> by either extracting the source package or cloning the repository) and run::
> python setup.py build_ext
> To be able to do this you need to have SWIG_ and the development files of
> libsvm_ (headers and library) installed on your system. Depending on where you
> installed them, it might be necessary to specify the full path to them with the
> `--include-dirs`, `--library-dirs` and `--swig` options.
> .. _SWIG: http://www.swig.org
> .. _libsvm: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/
> .. Actually, AFAIK upstream libsvm does not easily allow for compiling a libsvm
> static or shared lib. Or am I wrong?
> Now, you are ready to install the package. Do this by invoking::
> python setup.py install
> Most likely you need superuser privileges for this step. If you want to install
> in a non-standard location, please take a look at the `--prefix` option. You
> also might want to consider `--optimize`.
> Now you should be ready to use PyMVPA on your system.
> Installation
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> .. Point to source and binary distribution. Preach idea of free software.
> Step by step guide to install it on difficult systems like Windows.
> .. Don't forget to mention that the only reasonable way to use this piece
> of software (like every other piece) is under Debian! Also mention that
> Ubuntu is no excuse ;-)
> If there are no binary packages for your operating system or platform yet, you
> need to build from source. Please refer to `Building from Source`_ for more
> information.
> How to cite PyMVPA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> (to be written)
> .. come up with something
> .. PBS: At some point we should write up a technical report or submit
> something to neuroimage methods.
> .. [gjd] i found that presenting posters at conferences (e.g. HBM) works well. you get to meet people, and it's less effort than a paper
> Credits
> ~~~~~~~
> * NumPy
> * libsvm
> * IPython
> * Debian (for hosting, environment, ...)
> * FOSS community
> * Credits to individual labs if they officially donate time ;-)
> .. Please add some notes when you think that you should give credits to someone
> that enables or motivates you to work on PyMVPA ;-)
> Manual Conventions
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> In all examples the NumPy package is assumed to be imported using the alias N
> throughout this manual.
> >>> import numpy as N
> Overview
> --------
> The PyMVPA package consists of three major parts: `Data handling`_,
> Classifiers_ and Algorithms_ operating on datasets and classifiers.
> In the following sections the basic concept of all three parts will be
> described and examples using certain parts of the PyMVPA package will be
> given.
> Data Handling
> -------------
> The foundation of PyMVPA's data handling is the Dataset_
> class. Basically, this class stores data samples, sample attributes
> and dataset attributes. Sample attributes assign a value to each data
> sample and dataset attributes are additional information or
> functionality that applies to the whole dataset.
> .. _Dataset: api/mvpa.datasets.dataset.Dataset-class.html
> .. [gjd] i had a hard time making sense of the above
> .. paragraph on first reading. add an example to get
> .. first-time users thinking in the right direction
> Most likely the Dataset_ class will not be used directly, but through one
> of the derived classes. However, it is perfectly possible to use it directly.
> In the simplest case a dataset can be constructed by specifying some
> data samples and the corresponding class labels.
> >>> from mvpa.datasets.dataset import Dataset
> >>> data = Dataset(samples=N.random.normal(size=(10,5)), labels=1)
> >>> data
> Dataset / float64 10 x 5, uniq: 1 labels, 10 chunks
> The above example creates a dataset with 10 samples and 5 features each. The
> values of all features stem from normally distributed random noise. The class
> label '1' is assigned to all samples. Instead of a single scalar value `labels`
> can also be a sequence with individual labels for each data sample. In this
> case the length of this sequence has to match the number of samples.
> Interestingly, the dataset object tells us about 10 `chunks`. In PyMVPA chunks
> are used to group subsets of data samples. However, if no grouping information
> is provided all data samples are assumed to be in their own group, hence no
> sample grouping is performed.
> Both `labels` and `chunks` are so called *sample attributes*. All sample
> attributes are stored in sequence-type containers consisting of one value per
> sample. These containers can be accessed by properties with the same as the
> attribute:
> >>> data.labels
> array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
> >>> data.chunks
> array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
> The *data samples* themselves are stored as a two-dimensional matrix
> where each row vector is a `sample` and each column vector contains
> the values of a `feature` across all `samples`. The Dataset_ class
> provides access to the samples matrix via the `samples` property.
> >>> data.samples.shape
> (10,5)
> The Dataset_ class itself can only deal with 2d sample matrices. However,
> PyMVPA provides a very easy way to deal with data where each data sample is
> more than a 1d vector: `Data Mapping`_
> Data Mapping
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It was already mentioned that the Dataset_ class cannot deal with data samples
> that are more than simple vectors. This could be a problem in cases where the
> data has a higher dimensionality, e.g. functional brain-imaging data where
> each data sample is typically a three-dimensional volume.
> One approach to deal with this situation would be to concatenate the whole
> volume into a 1d vector. While this would work in certain cases there is
> definitely information lost. Especially for brain-imaging data one would most
> likely want keep information about neighbourhood and distances between data
> sample elements.
> In PyMVPA this is done by mappers that transform data samples from their
> original *dataspace* into the so-called *features space*. In the above
> neuro-imaging example the *dataspace* is three-dimensional and the
> *feature space* always refers to the 2d `samples x features` representation
> that is required by the Dataset_ class. In the context of mappers the
> dataspace is sometimes also referred to as *in-space* while the feature space
> is labeled as *out-space*.
> .. [gjd] is there any mnemonic i can use to try and remember why 'in' vs
> .. 'out' makes sense in this context?
> The task of a mapper, besides transforming samples into 1d vectors, is to retain
> as much information of the dataspace as possible. Some mappers provide
> information about dataspace metrics and feature neighbourhood, but all mappers
> are able to do reverse mapping from feature space into the original dataspace.
> Usually one does not have to deal with mappers directly. PyMVPA provides some
> convenience subclasses of Dataset_ that automatically perform the necessary
> mapping operations internally.
> For an introduction into to concept of a dataset with mapping capabilities
> we can take a look at the MaskedDataset_ class. This dataset class works
> almost exactly like the basic Dataset_ class, except that it provides some
> additional methods and is more flexible with respect to the format of the sample
> data. A masked dataset can be created just like a normal dataset.
> .. _MaskedDataset: api/mvpa.datasets.maskeddataset.MaskedDataset-class.html
> >>> from mvpa.datasets.maskeddataset import MaskedDataset
> >>> mdata = MaskedDataset(samples=N.random.normal(size=(5,2,3,4)),
> ... labels=[1,2,3,4,5])
> >>> mdata
> Dataset / float64 5 x 24 uniq: 5 labels 5 chunks
> However, unlike Dataset_ the MaskedDataset_ class can deal with sample
> data arrays with more than two dimensions. More precisely it handles arrays of
> any dimensionality. The only assumption that is made is that the first axis
> of a sample array separates the sample data points. In the above example we
> therefore have 5 samples, where each sample is a 2x3x4 volume.
> If we look at the self-description of the created dataset we can see that it
> doesn't tell us about 2x3x4 volumes, but simply 24 features. That is because
> internally the sample array is automatically reshaped into the aforementioned
> 2d matrix representation of the Dataset_ class. However, the information about
> the original dataspace is not lost, but kept inside the mapper used by
> MaskedDataset_. Two useful methods of MaskedDataset_ make use of the mapper:
> `mapForward()` and `mapReverse()`. The former can be used to transform
> additional data from dataspace into the feature space and the latter performs
> the same in the opposite direction.
> >>> mdata.mapForward(N.arange(24).reshape(2,3,4))
> (24,)
> >>> mdata.mapReverse(N.array([1]*mdata.nfeatures)).shape
> (2, 3, 4)
> Especially reverse mapping can be very useful when visualizing classification
> results and information maps on the original dataspace.
> Another feature of mapped datasets is that valid mapping information is
> maintained even when the feature space changes. When running some feature
> selection algorithm (see Algorithms_) some features of the original features
> set will be removed, but after feature selection one will most likely want
> to know where the selected (or removed) features are in the original dataspace.
> To make use of the neuro-imaging example again: The most convenient way to
> access this kind of information would be a map of the selected features that
> can be overlayed over some anatomical image. This is trivial with PyMVPA,
> because the mapping is automatically updated upon feature selection.
> >>> mdata.mapReverse(N.arange(1,mdata.nfeatures+1))
> array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4],
> [ 5, 6, 7, 8],
> [ 9, 10, 11, 12]],
> [[13, 14, 15, 16],
> [17, 18, 19, 20],
> [21, 22, 23, 24]]])
> >>> sdata = mdata.selectFeatures([2,7,9,10,16,18,20,21,23])
> >>> sdata
> Dataset / float64 5 x 9 uniq: 5 labels 5 chunks
> >>> sdata.mapReverse(N.arange(1,sdata.nfeatures+1))
> array([[[0, 0, 1, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 2],
> [0, 3, 4, 0]],
> [[0, 0, 0, 0],
> [5, 0, 6, 0],
> [7, 8, 0, 9]]])
> The above example selects nine features from the set of the 24 original
> ones, by passing their ids to the `selectFeatures()` method. The method
> returns a new dataset only containing the nine selected features. Both datasets
> share the sample data (using a NumPy array view). Using `selectFeatures()`
> is therefore both memory efficient and relatively fast. All other
> information like class labels and chunks are maintained. By calling
> `mapReverse()` on the new dataset one can see that the remaining nine features
> are precisely mapped back onto their original locations in the data space.
> Data Splitting
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> In many cases some algorithm should not run on a complete dataset, but just
> some parts of it. One well-known example is leave-one-out cross-validation,
> where a dataset is typically split into a number of training and validation
> datasets. A classifier is trained on the training set and its generalization
> performance is tested using the validation set.
> It is important to strictly separate training and validation datasets
> as otherwise no valid statement can be made whether a classifier
> really generated an appropriate model of the training data. Violating this
> requirement spuriously elevates the classification performance, often termed
> 'peeking' in the literature. However, they provide no relevant
> information because they are based on cheating or peeking and do not
> describe signal similarities between training and validation datasets.
> .. [gjd] this point about 'peeking' is a critical one and
> maybe deserves emphasis. i was just looking at how we deal
> with it in our documentation, and we need to improve ours too!
> With the splitter classes, PyMVPA makes dataset splitting easy. All dataset
> splitters in PyMVPA are implemented as Python generators, meaning that when
> called with a dataset once, they return one dataset split per iteration and
> an appropriate Exception when they are done. This is exactly the same behavior
> as of e.g. the Python `xrange()` function.
> To perform data splitting for the already mentioned cross-validation, PyMVPA
> provides the NFoldSplitter_ class. It implements a method to generate
> arbitrary N-M splits, where N is the number of different chunks in a dataset
> and M is any non-negative integer smaller than N. Doing a leave-one-out split
> of our example dataset looks like this:
> .. _NFoldSplitter: api/mvpa.datasets.splitter.NFoldSplitter-class.html
> >>> from mvpa.datasets.splitter import NFoldSplitter
> >>> splitter = NFoldSplitter(cvtype=1) # Do N-1
> >>> for wdata, vdata in splitter(data):
> # do something
> pass
> where `wdata` is the *working dataset* and `vdata` is the *validation dataset*.
> If we have a look a those datasets we can see that the splitter did what we
> intended:
> >>> split = [ i for i in splitter(data)][0]
> >>> split
> (Dataset / float64 9 x 5 uniq: 1 labels 9 chunks,
> Dataset / float64 1 x 5 uniq: 1 labels 1 chunks)
> >>> split[0].uniquechunks
> array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
> >>> split[1].uniquechunks
> array([0])
> In the first split, the working dataset contains nine chunks of the original
> dataset and the validation set contains the remaining chunk.
> The usage of the splitter, creating a splitter object and calling it with a
> dataset, is a very common design pattern in the PyMVPA package. Like splitters
> there are many more so called *processing objects*. These classes or objects
> are instantiated by passing all relevant parameters to the constructor.
> Processing objects can then be called multiple times with different datasets
> to perform their algorithm on the respective dataset. This design applies to
> virtually every piece of PyMVPA that is described in the Algorithms_ section,
> but also the many other parts.
> Classifiers
> -----------
> PyMVPA includes a number of ready-to-use classifiers, which are
> described in the following sections. All classifiers implement the
> same, very simple interface. Each classifier object takes all relevant
> parameters as arguments to its constructor. Once instantiated, the
> classifier object's `train()` method can be called with some
> dataset. This trains the classifier using *all* samples in the
> respective dataset.
> The major task for a classifier is to make predictions. Predictions are made
> by calling the classifier's `predict()` method with one or multiple data
> samples. `predict()` operates on pure sample data and not datasets, as in
> some cases the true label for a sample might be totally unknown.
> This examples demonstrates the typical daily life of a classifier.
> >>> from mvpa.clfs.knn import kNN
> >>> from mvpa.datasets.dataset import Dataset
> >>> training = Dataset(samples=N.array(N.arange(100),ndmin=2).T,
> labels=[0] * 50 + [1] * 50)
> >>> rand100 = N.random.rand(10)*100
> >>> validation = Dataset(samples=N.array(rand100, ndmin=2).T,
> labels=[ int(i>50) for i in rand100 ])
> >>> clf = kNN(k=10)
> >>> clf.train(training)
> >>> N.mean(clf.predict(training.samples) == training.labels)
> 1.0
> >>> N.mean(clf.predict(validation.samples) == validation.labels)
> 1.0
> Two datasets with 100 and 10 samples each are generated. Both datasets only
> have one feature and the associated label is 0 if the feature value is below
> 50 or 1 otherwise. The larger dataset contains all integers in the interval
> (0,100) and is used to train the classifier. The smaller is used as a
> validation dataset, to check whether the classifier learned something that
> generalizes well across samples not included in the training dataset. In this
> case the validation dataset consists of 10 random floating point values in the
> interval (0,100).
> The classifier in this example is a k-Nearest-Neighbour_ classifier that makes
> use of the 10 nearest neighbours of a data sample to make its predictions
> (k=10). One can see that after the training the classifier performs optimally on
> the training dataset as well as on the validation data samples.
> The choice of the classifier in the above example is more or less arbitrary.
> Any classifier in PyMVPA could be used in place of kNN. This demonstrates
> another useful feature of PyMVPA's classifiers. Due to the high-level
> abstraction and the simple interface, almost all classifiers can be combined
> with most algorithms in PyMVPA (please see the Algorithms_ section for
> details). This makes it very easy to test different classifiers on some
> dataset (see Fig. 1).
> .. figure:: pics/classifier_comparison_plot.png
> :width: 15cm
> :alt: Classifier comparison
> A comparison of the behavior of different classifiers (k-Nearest-Neighbour,
> linear SVM, logistic regression, ridge regression and SVM with radial basis
> function kernel) on a simple classification problem. The code to generate
> these figure can be found in the `pylab_2d.py` example.
> Stateful objects
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Before looking at the different classifiers in more detail, it is
> important to mention another feature common to all of them. While
> their interface is simple, classifiers are in no way limited to report
> only predictions. All classifiers implement an additional interface:
> the so-called `Stateful` interface. Objects of any class that is
> derived from `Stateful` have attributes (we refer to such attributes
> as state variables), which are conditionally computed and stored by
> PyMVPA. Such conditional storage and access is handy if a variable of
> interest might consume a lot of memory or needs intensive computation,
> and not needed in most (or in some) of the use cases.
> For instance, the `Classifier` class defines the `trained_labels`
> state variable, which just stores the unique labels for which the
> classifier was trained. Since `trained_labels` stores meaningful
> information only for a trained classifier, attempt to access
> 'clf.trained_labels' before training would result in a raised
> `UnknownStateError` exception since the classifier has not seen the
> data yet and, thus, does not know the labels. In other words, 'clf' is
> not yet in the state to know anything about the labels, hence the name
> `Stateful`. We will refer to instances of classes derived from
> `Stateful` as 'statefull'. Any state variable can be enabled or
> disabled on per instance basis at any time of the execution.
> To continue the last example, each classifier, or more precisely every
> statefull object, can be asked to report existing state-related attributes:
> >>> clf.states.listing
> ['predictions[enabled]: Reported predicted values',
> 'trained_labels[enabled]: What labels (unique) clf was trained on',
> 'training_confusion[enabled]: \\
> Result of learning: `ConfusionMatrix` (and corresponding learning error)',
> 'values: Internal values seen by the classifier']
> 'clf.states' is an instance of `StateCollection` class which is a container
> for all state variables of the given class. Although values can be queried
> or set (if state is enabled) operating directly on the statefull object
> >>> clf.trained_labels
> Set([0, 1])
> any other operation on the state (e.g. enabling, disabling) has to be carried
> out through the `StateCollection` '.states'.
> >>> print clf.states
> 4 states: training_confusion+* values predictions+* trained_labels+*
> >>> clf.states.enable('values')
> >>> print clf.states
> 4 states: training_confusion+* values+ predictions+* trained_labels+*
> >>> clf.states.disable('values')
> A string representation of the state collection mentioned above lists
> all state variables present accompanied with 2 markers: '+' for an
> enabled state variable, and '*' for a variable that stores some value
> (but might have been disabled already and, therefore, would have no
> '+' and attempts to reassign it would result in no action).
> .. TODO: Refactor
> By default all classifiers provide state variables `values`,
> `predictions`. The latter is simply the set of predictions that was returned
> by the last call to the objects `predict()` method. The former is heavily
> classifier-specific. By convention the `values` key provides access to the
> raw values that a classifier prediction is based on. Depending on the
> classifier, this information might required significant resources when stored.
> Therefore all states can be disabled or enabled (`states.disable()`,
> `states.enable()`) and their current status can be queried like this:
> >>> clf.states.isActive('predictions')
> True
> >>> clf.states.isActive('values')
> False
> >>> clf.enabledStates
> ['training_confusion', 'predictions', 'trained_labels']
> States can be enabled or disabled during statefull object construction, if
> `enable_states` or `disable_states` (or both) arguments, which store the list
> of desired state variables names, passed to the object constructor. Keyword
> 'all' can be used to select all known states for that statefull object.
> Error Calculation
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> TransferError_
> (to be written)
> .. _TransferError: api/mvpa.clfs.transerror.TransferError-class.html
> Boosted and Multi-class Classifiers
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> (to be written)
> .. Point to the special case of multi-class classification and how to deal with
> it. Finally describe features of all available classifiers.
> k-Nearest-Neighbour
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The kNN_ classifier makes predictions based on the labels of nearby samples. It
> currently uses Euclidian distance to determine the nearest neighbours, but
> future enhancements may include support for other kernels.
> .. _kNN: api/mvpa.clfs.knn.kNN-class.html
> Support Vector Machines
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The support vector machine classes provide a family of classifers by wrapping
> the libsvm_ library. While the SVMBase_ class provides a complete interface,
> the other child classes make it easy to run standard classifiers, such as
> linear SVM, with a default set of parameters (see LinearCSVMC_, LinearNuSVMC_,
> RbfNuSVMC_ and RbfCSVMC_).
> .. _LinearCSVMC: api/mvpa.clfs.svm.LinearCSVMC-class.html
> .. _LinearNuSVMC: api/mvpa.clfs.svm.LinearNuSVMC-class.html
> .. _RbfCSVMC: api/mvpa.clfs.svm.RbfCSVMC-class.html
> .. _RbfNuSVMC: api/mvpa.clfs.svm.RbfNuSVMC-class.html
> .. _SVMBase: api/mvpa.clfs.svm.SVMBase-class.html
> Ridge Regression
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The ridge regression classifier (RidgeReg_) performs a simple linear regression
> with a penalty parameter to help avoid over-fitting. The regression inserts an
> intercept term so that you do not have to center your data.
> .. _RidgeReg: api/mvpa.clfs.ridge.RidgeReg-class.html
> Penalized Logistic Regression
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The penalized logistic regression (PLR_) is similar to the ridge in that it
> has a penalty term, however, it is trained to predict a binary outcome by
> means of the logistic function.
> .. _PLR: api/mvpa.clfs.plr.PLR-class.html
> Algorithms
> ----------
> PyMVPA provides a number of useful algorithms. The vast majority of
> them are dedicated to feature selection. To increase analysis
> flexibility, PyMVPA distinguishes two parts of a feature selection
> procedure.
> First, the impact of each individual feature on a classification has
> to be determined. The resulting map reflects the sensitivities of all
> features with respect to a certain decision and, therefore, algorithms
> generating these maps are called `Sensitivity Analyzers`_ in PyMVPA.
> Second, once the feature sensitivities are known, they can be used as
> criteria for feature selection. However, possible selection strategies
> range from very simple *Go with the 10% best features* to more
> complicated algorithms like *Recursive feature selection*
> (RFE_). Because `Sensitivity Analyzers`_ and selections strategies can
> be arbitrarily combined, PyMVPA offers a quite flexible framework for
> feature selection.
> Similar to dataset splitters, all PyMVPA algorithms are implemented and
> behave like *processing objects*. To recap, this means that they are
> instantiated by passing all relevant arguments to the constructor. Once
> created, they can be used multiple times by calling them with different
> datasets.
> .. Again general overview first. What is a `SensitivityAnalyzer`, what is the
> difference between a `FeatureSelection` and an `ElementSelector`.
> Finally more detailed note and references for each larger algorithm.
> Sensitivity Analyzers
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It was already mentioned that a SensitivityAnalyzer_ computes a featurewise
> score that indicates how much interesting signal each feature contains
> -- hoping that this score somehow correlates with the impact of the features
> on a classifier's decision for a certain problem.
> Every sensitivity analyzer object computes a one-dimensional array with the
> respective score for every feature, when called with a Dataset_. Due to this
> common behaviour all SensitivityAnalyzer_ types are interchangeable and can be
> combined with any other algorithm requiring a sensitivity analyzer.
> By convention higher sensitivity values indicate more interesting features.
> There are two types of sensitivity analyzers in PyMVPA. Basic sensitivity
> analyzers directly compute a score from a Dataset. Meta sensitivity analyzers
> on the other hand utilize another sensitivity analyzer to compute their
> sensitivity maps.
> .. _SensitivityAnalyzer: api/mvpa.algorithms.datameasure.SensitivityAnalyzer-class.html
> Basic Sensitivity Analyzers
> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> ^^^^^
> The OneWayAnova_ class provides a simple (and fast) univariate sensitivity
> measure. For each feature an individual F-score is computed as the fraction
> of between and within group variances. Groups are defined by samples with
> unique labels.
> Higher F-scores indicate higher sensitivities, as with all other sensitivity
> analyzers.
> .. _OneWayAnova: api/mvpa.algorithms.anova.OneWayAnova-class.html
> Linear SVM Weights
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The featurewise weights of a trained support vector machine are another
> possible sensitivity measure. The LinearSVMWeights_ class can internally train
> all types of *linear* support vector machines and report those weights.
> In contrast to the F-scores computed by an ANOVA, the weights can be positive
> or negative, with both extremes indicating higher sensitivities. To deal with
> this property all subclasses of SensitivityAnalyzer_ support a `transformer`
> arguments in the contructor. A transformer is a functor that is finally called
> with the computed sensitivity map. PyMVPA already comes with some convenience
> functors which can be used for this purpose (see Transformers_).
> Please note, that this class *cannot* extract reasonable weights from non-linear
> SVMs (e.g. with RBF kernels).
> .. _LinearSVMWeights: api/mvpa.algorithms.linsvmweights.LinearSVMWeights-class.html
> .. _Transformers: api/mvpa.misc.transformers-module.html
> Noise Perturbation
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Noise perturbation is a generic approach to determine feature sensitivity.
> The sensitivity analyzer (PerturbationSensitivityAnalyzer_) computes a
> ScalarDatasetMeasure_ using the original dataset. Afterwards, for each single
> feature a noise pattern is added to the respective feature and the dataset
> measure is recomputed. The sensitivity of each feature is the difference
> between the dataset measure of the orginal dataset and the one with added
> noise. The reasoning behind this algorithm is that adding to noise to
> *important* features will impair a dataset measure like cross-validated
> classifier transfer error. However, adding noise the a feature that already
> only contains noise, will not change such a measure.
> Depending on the used ScalarDatasetMeasure_ using the sensitivity analyzer
> might be really CPU-intensive! Also depending on the measure, it might be
> necessary to use appropriate Transformers_ (see `transformer` constructor
> arguments) to ensure that higher values represent higher sensitivities.
> .. _PerturbationSensitivityAnalyzer: api/mvpa.algorithms.perturbsensana.PerturbationSensitivityAnalyzer-class.html
> .. _ScalarDatasetMeasure: api/mvpa.algorithms.datameasure.ScalarDatasetMeasure-class.html
> Meta Sensitivity Analyzer
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> Meta Sensitivity Analyzers are SensitivityAnalyzer_ that internally use one
> of the `Basic Sensitivity Analyzers`_ to compute their sensitivity scores.
> Splitting Sensitivity Analyzer
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The SplittingSensitivityAnalyzer_ uses a Splitter_ to generate dataset splits.
> A SensitivityAnalyzer_ is then used to compute sensitivity maps for all these
> dataset splits. At the end a `combiner` function is called with all sensitivity
> maps to produce the final sensitivity map. By default the mean sensitivity
> maps across all splits is computed.
> .. _Splitter: api/mvpa.datasets.splitter.Splitter-class.html
> .. _SplittingSensitivityAnalyzer: api/mvpa.algorithms.splitsensana.SplittingSensitivityAnalyzer-class.html
> Feature Selection Strategies
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Recursive Feature Elimination
> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> RFE_
> (to be written)
> .. _RFE: api/mvpa.algorithms.rfe.RFE-class.html
> Incremental Feature Search
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> IFS_
> (to be written)
> .. _IFS: api/mvpa.algorithms.ifs.IFS-class.html
> .. What are the practical differences (besides speed) between RFE and IFS?
> Classifier Cross-Validation
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> CrossValidatedTransferError_
> (to be written)
> .. _CrossValidatedTransferError: api/mvpa.algorithms.cvtranserror.CrossValidatedTransferError-class.html
> Searchlight
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> Searchlight_
> (to be written)
> .. _Searchlight: api/mvpa.algorithms.searchlight.Searchlight-class.html
> .. Mention the fact that it also is a special `SensitivityAnalyzer`
> Statistical Testing
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> NullHypothesisTest_
> (to be written)
> .. _NullHypothesisTest: api/mvpa.algorithms.nullhyptest.NullHypothesisTest-class.html
> .. Point to the problem of an unknown H0 distribution, which is a problem
> for a lot of statistical tests.
> Progress Tracking
> -----------------
> .. some parts should migrate into developer reference I guess
> There are 3 types of messages PyMVPA can produce:
> verbose_
> regular informative messages about generic actions being performed
> debug_
> messages about the progress of computation, manipulation on data
> structures
> warning_
> messages which are reported by mvpa if something goes a little
> unexpected but not critical
> .. _verbose: api/mvpa.misc-module.html#verbose
> .. _debug: api/mvpa.misc-module.html#debug
> .. _warning: api/mvpa.misc-module.html#warning
> Verbose Messages
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Primarily for a user of PyMVPA to provide information about the
> progress of their scripts. Such messages are printed out if their
> level specified as the first parameter to verbose_ function call is
> less than specified. There are two easy ways to specify verbosity
> level:
> * command line: you can use optVerbose_ for precrafted command
> line option for to give facility to change it from your script (see
> examples)
> * environment variable ``MVPA_VERBOSE``
> * code: verbose.level property
> The following verbosity levels are supported:
> :0: nothing besides errors
> :1: high level stuff -- top level operation or file operations
> :2: cmdline handling
> :3: n.a.
> :4: computation/algorithm relevant thing
> Warning Messages
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Reported by PyMVPA if something goes a little unexpected but not
> critical. They are printed just once per occasion, i.e. once per piece
> of code where it is called.
> Debug Messages
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Debug messages are used to track progress of any computation inside
> PyMVPA while the code run by python without optimization (i.e. without
> ``-O`` switch to python). They are specified not by the level but by
> some id usually specific for a particular PyMVPA routine. For example
> ``RFEC`` id causes debugging information about `Recursive Feature
> Elimination call`_ to be printed (See `misc module sources`_ for the
> list of all ids, or print ``debug.registered`` property).
> Analogous to verbosity level there are two easy ways to specify set of
> ids to be enabled (reported):
> * command line: you can use optDebug_ for precrafted command line
> option to provide it from your script (see examples). If in command
> line if optDebug_ is used, ``-d list`` is given, PyMVPA will print
> out list of known ids.
> * environment: variable ``MVPA_DEBUG`` can contain comma-separated
> list of ids.
> * code: debug.active property (e.g. ``debug.active = [ 'RFEC', 'CLF' ]``)
> Besides printing debug messages, it is also possible to print some
> metric. You can define new metrics or select predefined ones (vmem,
> asctime, pid). To enable list of metrics you can use
> ``MVPA_DEBUG_METRICS`` environment variable to list desired metric
> names comma-separated.
> As it was mentioned earlier, debug messages are printed only in
> non-optimized python invocation. That was done to eliminate any
> slowdown introduced by such 'debugging' output, which might appear at
> some computational bottleneck places in the code.
> .. TODO: Unify loggers behind verbose and debug. imho debug should have
> also way to specify the level for the message so we could provide
> more debugging information if desired.
> .. _optVerbose: api/mvpa.misc.cmdline-module.html#optVerbose
> .. _optDebug: api/mvpa.misc.cmdline-module.html#optDebug
> .. _misc module sources: api/mvpa.misc-pysrc.html
> .. _Recursive Feature Elimination call: api/mvpa.algorithms.rfe.RFE-class.html#__call__
> Additional Little Helpers
> -------------------------
> (to be written)
> .. put information about IO helpers, external bindings, etc here
> FSL Bindings
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> (to be written)
> Frequently Asked Questions
> --------------------------
> I feel like I want to contribute something, do you mind?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Not at all! If you think there is something that is not well explained in
> the documentation, send us an improvement. If you implemented a new algorithm
> using PyMVPA that you want to share, please share. If you have an idea for
> some other improvement (e.g. speed, functionality), but you have no
> time/cannot/do not want to implement it yourself, please post your idea to
> the PyMVPA mailing list.
> The manual is quite insufficient. When will you improve it?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Writing a manual can be a tricky task if you already know the details and
> have to imagine what might be the most interesting information for someone
> who is just starting. If you feel that something is missing which has cost
> you some time to figure out, please drop us a note and we will add it as soon
> as possible. If you have developed some code snippets to demonstrate some
> feature or non-trivial behaviour, please consider sharing this snippet with
> us and we will put it into the example collection or the manual. Thanks!
> License
> -------
> The PyMVPA package, including all examples, code snippets and attached
> documentation is covered by the MIT license.
> ::
> The MIT License
> Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Michael Hanke
> 2007-2008 Yaroslav Halchenko
> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> .. The following should only be considered when running rst2latex, but Michael
> doesn't know how to do that. If it would work we would get printed
> references to all external link targets. Otherwise we have nice links in the
> PDF, but when they are printed nobody knows where a link points to
> .. raw:: latex
> \theendnotes
> .. target-notes::
> _______________________________________________
> Pkg-exppsy-maintainers mailing list
> Pkg-exppsy-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-exppsy-maintainers
Yaroslav Halchenko
Research Assistant, Psychology Department, Rutgers-Newark
Student Ph.D. @ CS Dept. NJIT
Office: (973) 353-5440x263 | FWD: 82823 | Fax: (973) 353-1171
101 Warren Str, Smith Hall, Rm 4-105, Newark NJ 07102
WWW: http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik
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