[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] PyNIfTI 0.20090303.1

Matthias Ekman matthias.ekman at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:42:18 UTC 2009


2009/4/1 Michael Hanke <michael.hanke at gmail.com>:

>> > ;-) Did you try to wipe your installation and do it from scratch? What
>> > Numpy version are you using?
>> Yes I did, but with no success.
>> What I tried the last days was:
>> (on two different machines, running vista and xp)
>> - Deinstallation and Installation of Python 2.5 (including numpy,
>> pymvpa, scipy, pynifti)
>> - Deinstallation and Installation with different versions of numpy and scipy
>> with no difference. Finally I figured out (10 min ago), that the
>> problem on 'my machines' is due to the "zlib1.dll" in the system32
>> dir.
> Ah! Where does that file come from? I guess I have to mention that in
> the docs.

Right! Its mentioned here:
"PyNIfTI does not come with the required zlib library, so you also
need to download and install it. A binary installer is available from
the GnuWin32 project. Install it in some arbitrary folder (just the
binaries nothing else), find the zlib1.dll file in the bin
subdirectory and move it in the Windows system32 directory."

>> However, pynifti is not working (properly; see previously attached
>> file) with the actual zlib1.dll 1.2.3. Using zlib.dll 1.2.2 there is
>> no problem.
>> Sorry I am really a noob when talking about DLLs (in fact not only
>> than), so I can't explain this behavior. The only thing I could say
>> is, that zlib1.dll (1.2.3) causes the same problem on win vista and
>> win xp and I could verify that it is really due to the dll (changed
>> the version several times; each time with the same effect).
> Hmm, I think it is unlikely that zlib could produce such a specific
> error. However, can you try to load and save an uncompressed nifti file
> -- that should completely bypass zlib code and we could see ...

OK, i did so. loading and saving an uncompressed file with zlib1.dll
1.2.3 caused the same problem.
(no problem with zlib1.dll 1.2.2)

Note, that it is not possible to load pynifti with no zlib1.dll in
system32, is it? (for me not) So, I am not sure, if pynifti is still
using zlib1.dll, even with uncompressed niftis.

>> So, if someone ever has the same problem, I would recommend not to use
>> the actual GNUwin zlib.dll (1.2.3; http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/),
>> but the older version 1.2.2 instead. Me, I got it simply with an
>> googlesearch.
>> Finally I regret, that I am not able to report in a more specific way.
>> Of course, the zlib.dll issue may be due to some other
>> dependencies/settings of my win machines, so I couldn't exclude that
>> its a different problem.
>> Anyway the problem still exists on our Mac OS X machine (were I don't
>> have root privileges). I am absolutely unexperienced with OS X (to be
>> honest, I am using it just over ssh from a Linux shell) Is there
>> something similar to zlib1.dll which might cause the problem?
> Yes, zlib also exists on Macs, but I still think it is not the cause.
> I've also tested loading and saving on my laptop (which also runs zlib 1.2.3)
> and I don't see this bug.
> Michael
> --
> GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
> http://apsy.gse.uni-magdeburg.de/hanke
> ICQ: 48230050


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