[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] Unable to run nifti on Windows XP (missing msvcr80.dll)

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 05:17:01 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 11:12:24PM +0200, Vadim Axel wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I solved the problem, which is indeed MS DLL hell. By exploring the stuff
> with Process Explorer (of former Sysinternals), I found out that zlib1.dll
> is loaded not from the location, where I just installed it, but from
> Matlab2008A location. And this matlab's zlib1.dll was built with MSVC 2005
> (which loads msvcr80.dll runtime). Nifti module, from its side, expects MSVC
> 2003 runtime. This is all the story. What I did I just copied zlib1.dll
> directly in nifti directory in order that it will be always loaded first.
> Another solution is to make the PATH of nifti zlib library before the matlab
> path, but I would prefer not to do this since who knows what will happen to
> matlab....

Good to know -- would you recommend installing zlib1.dll into the
pynifti installation dir by default? In that case I'd adjust the docs.

> With regard to running simultaneously different runtimes this indeed may
> happen. Before I reached the solution, I first built the whole python with
> MSVC 2005 and there I observed that both MSVC71.dll and MSVC80.dll are
> loaded simultaneously. I think that this is something pretty unhealthy,
> though  occasionally it may work.

If you built whole Python with MSVC, can I assume that you also built
pynifti with it? I'd also like to mention that in the docs. Was anything
special necessary to do that?



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