No subject

Tue May 12 06:44:55 UTC 2009

of VTK-related packages in Debian and every major VTK release is shaking
the foundations of this world.

> Pff, moan, rant, puf, puf puf. :)

Rrrr, grrr, brrr. ;-)

> PS: And yeah, why nifti? I like HDF5 :P
> PPS: I am only half serious. I know the socialogical reasons. But from a
> technical point of view, it dismays me.

Well, social... I don't care much.

But it is really a technical issue. Virtually every application supports
it, whereas HDF5 is hardly on the list. NIfTI was intentionally based on
the stupid, ancient, confusing, suboptimal, trouble-making ANALYZE to
achieve this goal -- there is little chance for revolution, just for

I'm not claiming that NIfTI is optimal (not at all actually, it inherts
some really stupid decisions from analyze, such as int16 headers fields
for the number of elements along each dimesion), but it does a great job
in improving interoperatability of neuro-apps -- and that is what really
helps in everyday-research-life.


GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
ICQ: 48230050

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