[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] pyNifti shifts images

Bertelsen, Alvaro abertelsen at ceit.es
Tue Mar 16 15:00:04 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

pyNifti is producing a shift in my images for a reason I don't understand and I would be grateful if anybody could help me to fix this.

For example, I tested the following script:

>>> import nifti
>>> nim = nifti.NiftiImage('before.nii.gz')
>>> nim.setFilename('after.nii.gz')
>>> nim.save()

...which should produce identical images. However, after.nii.gz is shifted in the LR direction, almost by half of its field-of-view. Does anyone know why this problem happens and how to fix it? I am attaching both images with this message.

Thanks in advance for your help. Sincerely,
Alvaro Bertelsen

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