CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA mrs.chinyeredike at outlook.com
Thu Oct 9 09:42:02 UTC 2014

Dear Friend,

I am Mrs.Chinyere Dike Ktt Unit Central bank of Nigeria (CBN), your 
payment files has been laying here for many months now and nobody has 
ever told you the truth, the reason why you have not received your fund 
with Federal Republic of Nigeria . When I was going through your payment 
files, you have not even received a cent. All the top officials both men 
and women keep on exploiting your hard earned money. I don’t want to go 
far yet.

My question is this, are you still interested in receiving at least part 
of your over due payment? Just let me know and further details will be 
communicated to you accordingly.

Mrs.Chinyere Dike
Ktt Unit
Central bank of Nigeria (CBN)

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