[Pkg-fedora-ds-maintainers] [libapache2-mod-nss] 101/156: Bring up-to-date to mod_nss 1.0.8

Timo Aaltonen tjaalton-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 2 13:55:33 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tjaalton-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libapache2-mod-nss.

commit e19d59bfc2a73866ccb147476a0c779c0a012bc2
Author: rcritten <>
Date:   Mon Jul 21 17:15:06 2008 +0000

    Bring up-to-date to mod_nss 1.0.8
 ChangeLog | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ce62e91..d6e9425 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
+2008-07-21  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * mod_nss 1.0.8
+2008-07-02  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * Don't allow blank passwords if FIPS is enabled. This is not
+      allowed by the NSS FIPS 140-2 security policy.
+2008-05-16  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * No need to link with softokn3
+    * Fix FIPS mode
+    * There seem to be a problem in NSS_Shutdown() that makes subsequent
+      logins appear to succeed but they actually are skipped causing keys
+      and certs to not be available.
+    * Also switch an error message to a warning related to FIPS ciphers.
+2008-05-09  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * NSS has been modified to not allow a fork after an NSS_Init() in the
+      soft token. It apparently always did this for hardware tokens as it is
+      part of the PKCS#11 spec.
+    * This moves the initialization code into the child process init
+      function.
+2008-01-03  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * See if the certificate has a version before trying to decode it into
+      a CGI variable.
+2007-10-18  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
+    * If mod_ssl isn't loaded then register the hooks to mod_proxy so we
+      can do at least secure proxy in front of an unsecure host.
 2007-06-07  Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com>
     * The error message was wrong if NSSPassPhraseHelper pointed to a

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-fedora-ds/libapache2-mod-nss.git

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