[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#321922: fetchmail: DNS temporarily failure after suspend to disk

Nico Golde nion at gmx.net
Mon Aug 8 23:36:52 UTC 2005

please quite correctly.
* Wolfgang Kohnen <wolfgang.kohnen at lis.bremen.de> [2005-08-09 00:37]:
> > * Wolfgang Kohnen [1]<wollie at lis.bremen.de> [2005-08-08 11:52]:
> > > sorry if this is a known bug, BTS seems to be down or something...
> > > 
> > > After hibernating my notebook with software suspend v2 to disk for a
> > > while (say 10 hours), fetchmail can'T resolve servers' hostnames and
> > > comlains about temporarily DNS errors. A restart of the fetchmail daemon
> > > fixes this behaviour.
> > 
> > [...]
> > All the other programs are able to do this?
> > Regards Nico
> Hmm, I think I should give more background info: I use a patched 2.6
> kernel with software suspend to disk. 

Have you tried it with a vanilla kernel? Do you use special
wlan drivers like ipw2100 or ipw2200?

> The suspend script shuts down my
> ehternet device before stopping all processes and then goes into suspend
> state. After resuming and continuing the processes (there is a SIGCONT
> signal I think) the suspend script itself resumes and brings up the
> ethernet device again. Since I use dhcp for my eth0, the network
> environment changes sometimes, i.e. different address, different default
> gateway, different nameserver entry in resolv.conf and so on.

shouldn't be a problem, fetchmail is not responsible for
this. fetchmail doesn't read your resolv.conf for example.

> So IMHO there are three possible pitfalls: The long suspend time which
> creates a huge jump into the future from fetchmails point of view and
> maybe something like a timer get confused. The "sudden" change of network.
> The time between SIGCONT and net reestablishment. Just my two, no, three
> cents. :-)

I really don't think this is a fetchmail issue, fetchmail
doesn't touch your network configuration, it just send the
packages through your network device driver but doesn't
handle it. I am pretty shure that this bug is on your site.
I just tested it with Suspend to RAM/Disk I can not
reproduce it.
Regards Nico

Nico Golde - JAB: nion at jabber.ccc.de | GPG: 0x73647CFF
http://www.ngolde.de | http://www.muttng.org | http://grml.org 
VIM has two modes - the one in which it beeps 
and the one in which it doesn't -- encrypted mail preferred
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